AKG C414 XLS Stereo Set. AKG C414 XLS/ST Stereo Matched Pair AKG's C 414 B-XLS is a reference-quality microphone especially designed for accurate, beautifully-detailed pickup of any acoustic instrument.

Sales & Expert advice 800.606.6969 or 212.444.6615. The C414 XLS multipattern condenser microphone offers a choice of nine polar patterns for the perfect sonic capture for every application. Realistic stereo recordings require microphones with outstanding performance and excellent quality.

Using the same one-inch dual diaphragm capsule as the C414 XLS, musicians, engineers and producers can have the confidence that their audience will experience every subtle nuance as it was intended. C $1,426.31; or Best Offer +C $164.57 shipping; Free Returns. K&M 23550 Microphone Stereo Bar. Let us know. Browsing History ON Clear History. $93. $42.10. The C414 XLS/ST stereo condenser microphone matched pair bundle contains two C414 XLSs that have been selected from thousands of individual microphones and hand tested for sensitivity characteristics that lie within 1dB of one another throughout the range of 300Hz to 8kHz in cardioid mode. The C414 XLS Matched Pair Stereo Set Package includes: 2 x C414 XLS ; 2 x Elastic spider suspensions ; 2 x Windscreen ; 1 x Stereo mounting bar ; Aluminum carrying case ; Measurement documents ; Specifications. AKG - C451B Stereo SET Realistic stereo recordings require microphones with outstanding performance and excellent quality. €36.97. C $2,605.48; Buy It Now +C $20.57 shipping; From Japan; AKG C414 XLS Reference Multi-Pattern Condenser Microphone. $9.35. Chaque position des commutateurs ainsi que la présence de distorsion en sortie sont désormais indiqués par une diode. I'm leaning towards buying one XLS and one XLII. 3802 . Buy AKG C414 XLS ST Multi-Pattern Large-Diaphragm Condenser Microphone (Matched Pair Stereo Set) featuring Cardioid, Omnidirectional & Figure-8, Dual 1-Inch Capsule, Switchable 6, 12 & 18 dB Pads, Three Switchable Bass-Cut Filters, Lock Mode to Disable Controls, Peak-Hold LED, Shockmounts, Stereo Bar, Case, Designed and Manufactured in Austria.

This item is in stock and can be dispatched immediately. Live Chat. The AKG C414 XLS Stereo Matched-Pair is probably one of the best options out there for drum overheads.

I usually use them as an A/B pair and they really work great. A peak hold LED displays even the shortest overload peaks. €82.35. Standard Delivery Times.

The AKG C414 XLS Stereo Set.

768.00 € / Microphone de studio Statique à directivité variable - Exceptionnelle gamme dynamique de 152 dB. 5,219 AED Add to Basket: 10% bought AKG C414 XLII Stereo Set: 5,565 AED: 9% bought AKG C414 XLS: 2,429 AED: 7% bought Shure SM 7 B: 1,385 AED: 3% bought AKG C414 XLII: 2,869 AED: Our most popular Large Diaphragm Microphones: … Do you think this is the right choice or would you rather go for two XLS because of Stereo Micing posibillities. Ce couple appairé de C414 XLII offre 9 choix de directivité. These mics aren't overly bright, but they are very detailed, they can work well with both bright and dark cymbals without sounding harsh - I've seen them beat a matched pair of AKG C12. Engineered for highest linearity and neutral sound, it has been the most versatile large-diaphragm microphone for decades. They also require performance consistency and accurate localisation from the pair of microphones. AKG C414 XLII Stereo-Set; AKG C414 XLS; Packaging Info. Therefore, every factory-matched pair has been created from thousands of individual microphones selected by AKG's sophisticated computer-aided matching method. K&M 210/9 Black. Customer Service 800.221.5743 The C414 XLS multipattern condenser microphone offers a choice of nine polar patterns for the perfect sonic capture for every application. 1230 . For live sound applications and permanent installations, all controls can easily be disabled for trouble-free use. NEW AKG C414 XLS STEREO Condenser Microphone, Set of 2, ship by DHL Int Exp. From Japan; AKG C414/XLII 9 Pattern Large Diaphragm Studio Condenser Mic. Thomann V2020 Black 10 Pack. Engineered for highest linearity and neutral sound, it has been the most versatile large-diaphragm microphone for decades. 1499 . Mikrofony jsou vybírány tak, aby jejich citlivost a frekvenční odezva v kritickém pásmu (300Hz až 8kHz) byla stejná, maximální povolená odchylka je 1dB.

The C414 XLS maintains the sonic character of the legendary C414 B-ULS, the most popular AKG C414 version since 1971.

Available immediately. Contact Us. YOUR RECENTLY VIEWED ITEMS. 4% bought AKG C414 XLS Stereo Set: $1,429: 4% bought Rode NT2-A Studio Solution Set: $285: Our most popular Large Diaphragm Microphones: Compare Products: Related Products. AKG - C414 XLII Stereo Set Le C414 d'AKG n'est plus à présenter car incontournables dans les plus grands studios. With new features, improved technical specifications, ease of use and available accessories, the C 414 B-XLS is part of the next generation of AKG microphone quality.

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