4/ Any delivery dates are quoted only as a guide and shall not form a term or condition of the contract. Our train leaves at 6 tomorrow. Forswear it. Quand les faits à venir sont vus comme sûrs à 100% , l’énonciateur a recours au Présent, ou au Présent be+ing :. 3/ The building specifications state that all exterior surfaces shall be painted white. However, these days, the use of shall to form the future tense is becoming rarer (especially in the US), and it is safe to use will every time. My impression from litigating Australian contracts is that “shall” is well on the way out here, but “will” is still used very widely in circumstances where “must” would be more appropriate. This Agreement shall renew for one (1) year upon the termination of the then current term.

In fact, it’s so confusing that the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure no longer use the word at all. For some, the word may seem too abrupt and demanding, although this is not a view that IP Draughts shares. I shall arrive on Tuesday. Our very own U.S. Supreme Court has interpreted the word to mean may. You shan’t regret it.
IP Draughts has seen must in a small number of contracts, but it hasn’t really caught on. 2/ The mains plug shall be inserted only into a socket outlet provided with a protective earth contact. “Contracts are not essays; there are no points for synonyms, just the risk of costly litigation” – what a brilliant summary! Avec shall et will l’énonciateur envisage des faits comme fortement probables. If “shall” didn’t exist in contract drafting, I’d want to invent it. —Ken Adams 1 [Shall] is like a chameleon: It changes its hue sentence to sentence. According to linguist R.L. “The fiber optic cable will be used inside a …

(Notre train part à 6 heures demain.) The verbs shall and will both point to the future, but in contemporary American English, shall is used only rarely.

Contracts also automatically renew for succeeding periods without an explicit exercise of an option. Just about every jurisdiction in this great country has held that the word shall, while the most often used of the above, is also the most confusing because it can mean may, will, or must. Trask, traditional rules regarding shall and will are "little more than a fantastic invention."

Another alternative is to eschew both shall and will and use a neutral word such as must. In these cases, the contract typically says that it renews for defined periods of time for a certain number of times. Shall and Will The main use of the auxiliary verbs will and shall is to form the future tense.For example: I will arrive on Tuesday. “Fiber optic cable joints shall have a splice loss of less than 0.10 dB.” Will and its negative will not is used for a declaration of purpose or expression of simple futurity. In British English, shall and will are often used interchangeably with little or no difference of meaning. Abjure it. Shall and its negative shall not—-the imperative form of the verb—-is used for a mandatory requirement. In fact, to say it's "safe to use will every time" is understating the case.

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