Lyrics Artists: J Journey The Party's Over. Engineer. Neal Schon, Steve Perry. Now don'tcha come knockin' on my door. So turn out the lights, the party's over. Label Columbia . The Party's Over Lyrics. About The Party's Over lyrics. About when the party's over "When the Party's Over" (stylised in all lowercase) is a song by American singer Billie Eilish from her debut studio album When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?.

This time is the last time, never be a next time. Tonight I wanna dance to a brand new tune. Album Captured (1981) by Journey. Now listen baby, I got news for you. Tell the guys ... the party's over And I can't get over Face the fact, it's over I don't know why I even try It's so sore My relationship's over I'm lost without a cause I wonder why She strung me up and left me hanging out to dry Tell the guys ... the party's over It takes a while to realise Funny how the feeling dies Don't wanna hear your alibis Party's Over Lyrics: Raspberries / Miscellaneous / Party's Over / When we started it was a lot of fun / And the times we had I'll never forget / But now I'm older and wiser and a bit of a miser / And Turn out the lights, the party's over for you. when the party’s over Lyrics: Don't you know I'm no good for you? It was written and produced by Finneas O'Connell. I've learned to lose you, can't afford to Tore my shirt to stop you bleeding But nothing ever stops you leaving The song was released as the second single on October 17, 2018, through Darkroom and Interscope Records. Lyrics to ' when the party's over' by Billie Eilish: Don't you know I'm no good for you? Written-By. When The Party's Over Lyrics [Verse 1] Don't you know I'm no good for you I've learned to lose you, can't afford to Tore my shirt to stop you bleedin' But nothin' ever stops you leavin' [Chorus] Quiet when I'm coming home and I'm on my own I could lie, say I like it... 1 TOP RATED. You know, it took so long for me to realize You got a cheatin' heart full of dirty lies.

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