BBC Radio 2 broadcasts from its studios in Wogan House, adjacent to Broadcasting House in central London. BBC BREAKFAST viewers were shocked after host Louise Minchin made an off-the-cuff comment about weather forecaster Carol Kirkwood's age … Seven of the 20 presenters on 6.30pm regional TV bulletins will be cut, and some local radio … The Global Audience Measure is an annual update of how many people are consuming the BBC weekly for ALL services in ALL countries across ALL platforms (TV, Radio, website and social media). As an equal opportunities employer, we actively encourage applicants from diverse backgrounds in order to shape the future success of our business. In early years, much programming and music was common to both Radio 1 and Radio 2. We celebrate different and unique. The most prominent concession by the BBC was the creation of BBC Radio 1; to satisfy the ever-demanding new youth culture with their thirst for new, popular music.The other, however, was the fact that these pirate radio stations were, in some cases, local. Due to budget cuts, in 1975 the broadcasting hours for BBC Radio 2 were reduced. Our ambition is to create an inclusive culture where every Globaller can do the best work of their career, a place for everyone. The BBC is to cut 450 jobs in its English regional TV news and current affairs, local radio and online news. The GAM builds 240 single customer view models, one for every country in the world, each year. Head of Station - BBC Radio 1, is a new and exciting, industry-leading role in the BBC’s popular music portfolio. The popularity of pirate radio was to challenge a change within the (then) very 'stiff' and blinkered management at the BBC. In 1978 the broadcasting hours were extended to … BBC Radio 1 aims to entertain and engage a broad range of young listeners with a distinctive mix of contemporary music, speech and entertainment content on a variety of platforms. BBC Global News is the home of the BBC’s award-winning international news, sport and features content, which reaches 121 million people around the world on TV, online, apps and social media each week. 30 September 1967 was the date of the first broadcast of this station. At Global we believe that Different will set you Apart.

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