This is why only one clustered index can exist in a given table, whereas, many non-clustered indexes can exist in the table.

db2 describe indexes for table show detail 2 - To modify your current index, you need to drop and create your index.

db2 alter table drop constraint Index architectures are classified as clustered or non-clustered. Thanks and Best Regards, Hien Nguyen The PIECESIZE clause of the CREATE INDEX statement can be used during index creation to break an NPI into several data sets (or "pieces").

How to alter an index on DB2. Active 7 years, 4 months ago.
Viewed 6k times 3. It has about 890,000 rows. 1 - Check how many indexes your table has and what they are. Subject: [DB2-L] Create index on Declared Temporary Table fails with-551 I searched the ListServ archives, Google and the SQL Reference manual but cannot figure this out for the life of me.

Right-click the table on which you want to create a nonclustered index and select Design. Using db2 9.1 FP9 on windows … A create index statement is creating an exclusive lock on a table. Expand the Tables folder. The table is fairly big. More accurately, the PIECESIZE clause specifies the largest data set size for a non-partitioned index. DB2: Is it good to create the index table space to use 32 KB data page. The behavior seems like a bug according to my reading of the help for create index … check, drop and create. After deciding column and entering all fields and data types for your DB2 create table, go to option 15, it can differ in your product, you might not get option 15 directly, you might have option DB2 and inside that DB2 you might have option DB2 V10.

Ask Question Asked 7 years, 9 months ago. Clustered indexes are indexes whose order of the rows in the data pages correspond to the order of the rows in the index. "Our System Landscape IS : DEV -> QAS -> Production and DataBase server : db2 9.07 , SAP ECC 6.0, windows server 2008.
It is therefore recommended to create a new index on table. To create a nonclustered index by using the Table Designer. Why can I declare the global temporary table but I cannot create the index. And it then defines the table space to use 32kb data page.

In Object Explorer, expand the database that contains the table on which you want to create a nonclustered index. Clustered and non-clustered indexes. On the Table Designer menu, click Indexes/Keys. The index is created in around 2 minutes, but this can cause a problem for the applications in the system. access. If you create a table without a PK, then create a unique index, then alter the table to create a PK on the same columns as the unique index, DB2 will tell you that it is using the existing unique index for the primary key (this is a warning message only). VBRP in the order MANDT, AUBEL and AUPOS. So, please check your product properly. PIECESIZE can be specified in kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes. I found our DB2 server configs all the index into one table space.

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