498 JET Program reviews.
Salaries posted anonymously by JET Program employees. A free inside look at company reviews and salaries posted anonymously by employees.
However, just like dispatch companies you don't get to pick which city you live in.

A free inside look at JET Program salary trends based on 339 salaries wages for 25 jobs at JET Program. The monthly salary is about 3.4 million per year before taxes (going up to 3.9 million a year in the 5th year). In Japan, it’s mandatory to join the national social (health) insurance, contribute to the pension fund program and pay employment insurance are mandatory.

You’ve heard of the JET program for teachers in Japan, but is it right for you and are you qualified?

498 JET Program reviews.

I will add that JETs are not allowed to moonlight or have second jobs while on the JET program.

The JET Program pays ALTs more than dispatch companies, has the most vacation days, and national healthcare and pension. The typical JET Program ALT salary is ¥3,498,532. ALT salaries at JET Program can range from ¥3,014,811 - ¥3,991,371. The JET program salary is determined by the number of years of participation on the program. Each person's experience, as far as management and job satisfaction, is completely dependent on the where they get placed. If you live outside of the cities, the salary will afford you a comfortable standard of living.

JET Program Salary and Benefits Salary.

This popular teacher exchange program requires assistant teaching applicants to have a bachelor’s degree and citizenship from a participating country, as well as a strong interest in Japanese culture.

This estimate is based upon 20 JET Program ALT salary report(s) provided by employees or estimated based upon statistical methods.

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