The Action-RPG will be coming to Playstation 4, Xbox One and PC via Steam. À comprendre qu’il sera plus beau et adapté à la génération de consoles actuelles. Oct 25, 2017 3,152. NieR Replicant Remaster will be coming to the PC via Steam, and below you can find its announcement trailer. What Is NieR Replicant Remaster NieR Replicant Is Upgraded & Remastered.

NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139… est en réalité une version remastered du jeu initialement sorti en 2010. Why Nier Replicant Isn't A Remaster, According To The Devs In a new Famitsu interview, the developers behind the planned upgrade to the original Nier talk new details. I mean there are changes to the tone, because Replicant Nier and Gestalt Nier are different charachters, but its still the same game. 5 kommentarer. The game originally released in Japan on PS3 nearly 10 years ago.

Square Enix and ToyLogic have revealed that a remaster of Nier Replicant is on the way for PS4, Xbox One, and PC. It is fully voiced, with all voice-overs re-recorded. -Saito says it's "version up" not a remake or remaster-lots of stuff being added from the original-possibility of a new ending?
Square Enix has announced that NieR Replicant is being remastered for modern systems, with a bizarrely named remake called NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139..., because Yoko Taro. Replicant is set in ... Full title is "NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139..." Please don't forget "..." at the end. Extremely happy with this news, been holding out for a NieR remaster to come to PC after Automata did great there. 2020-03-29 11:24. I was fine with either model of the character, I have a slight preference for the dad, but I'm excited as Hell for this.
NieR Replicant originally released in Japan on PS3 almost a decade ago, and it seems the NieR 10th year anniversary of the franchise was a good a time as any to reveal that a remaster is underway. Mar 29, 2020 #80 Development is being handled by Toylogic, and PlatinumGames’ Takahisa Taura, who was a senior game designer on NieR: Automata, is also cooperating on development. Eirik Hyldbakk Furu; Square Enix har de siste månedene gjort det veldig klart at noe spesielt ville annonseres under dagens Nier-konsert, og hva det var de hintet til kom ikke som et sjokk. Square Enix is celebrating the 10-year anniversary of Nier with the release of a remastered version for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.Nier Replicant ver. If you're a fan of the Nier series from Square Enix, you'll be happy to know that there's a Nier Replicant remaster in the works.

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