The next Overwatch League season is approaching quickly – after a few off-season months, the 2020 season is about to start in early February. OWL 2020 - Regular Season; Open Division 2020 S3 - KR; Uniliga 2nd League; Uniliga 1st League; Pumpkin Cup; Open Division 2020 S3 - CN; Completed . Third Impact Overwatch Community Showcase; ZOTAC CUP Overwatch Community Tournament Europe #4; OWC 2020 S1: EU; OWC 2020 S1: NA; OWC 2020 S1: CN Our Overwatch League 2020 guide contains everything we know so far about the Season 3 schedule and team list, and will be updated with results, standings and more once the competition gets underway. In the last weekend of qualifiers for the Overwatch League 's $275,000 Summer Showdown, the San Francisco Shock locked in the No. 03:45 San Francisco Shock and Shanghai Dragons win the Overwatch League May Melee! 10:25 Earn Overwatch League tokens by watching matches on the website, mobile site, or app 13:17 Overwatch 2020 Anniversary Event Game Modes 12:33 Overwatch 2020 Anniversary Event Weekly Challenges 12:01 Overwatch 2020 Anniversary event is now live! The 2020 season of the Overwatch League is due to commence in February of next year, but we thought it’d be good to get a hub together which contains all the latest on Season 3 of the OWL.

Overwatch Premier

After the opening weekend on February 8 th and 9 th, the Overwatch League schedule is going to cover a total of 27 weeks – plenty of interesting matches, competitions and games to watch for fans.. A level playing field Overwatch League 2020 launch weekend viewer’s guide: Schedule and how to watch As the third Overwatch League officially kicks off this weekend, here’s what you need to know about the opening homestands and where to catch the action. Overwatch League 2020 Season 3. Morgen, 27.06.2020. Match schedule, results, teams, news, and stats for Overwatch League 2020 Season 11:50 All Overwatch 2020 Anniversary Event … OWC 2020 S2 Trials: KR; OWC 2020 S2: KR; Ongoing .

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