Service name: eventlog Display name: Windows Event Log Description: This service manages events and event logs. In the “Event Viewer” window, in the left-hand pane, navigate to the Windows Logs > Security.

Turned off … Hit Start, type “event,” and then click the “Event Viewer” result. Windows event log is a record of a computer's alerts and notifications. This tutorial will show you how to view the date, time, and user details of all shutdown and restart event logs in Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10. It can display events in both XML and plain text format.
Once the users know the way to open Windows Event Log Viewer, the next step is how to troubleshoot the problems with the help of this tool. Windows log files location. Here's How: 1 Press the Win + R keys to open Run, type eventvwr.msc into Run, and click/tap on OK to open Event Viewer. Suggested solutions for a new Windows 7 platform included disabling IPv6, changing the default NIC drivers, and taking ownership of a registry key to affect a manual change.

It supports logging events, querying events, subscribing to events, archiving event logs, andmanaging event metadata. Advanced users might find the details in event logs helpful when troubleshooting problems with Windows and other apps.

After you enable logon auditing, Windows records those logon events—along with a username and timestamp—to the Security log. Microsoft defines an event as "any significant occurrence in the system or in a program that requires users to be notified or an entry added to a log." Log files in Windows XP are stored in system disk (C:) and the path most probably looks like this: C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\. Windows Setup Event Logs. The event viewer is handled by eventlog service that cannot be stopped or disabled manually, as it is a Windows core service. Using event logs to extract startup and shutdown times.
This enables you to more easily review the actions that occurred during Windows Setup and to review the performance statistics for different parts of Windows Setup. Try to right click on both of the service and click on permission 7.

6. Since I was interested in cleaning out event logs on server 2008, and those event logs are different than for Windows 7, in a command prompt I merely performed: wevtutil el > del_evt_logs.cmd You can view these events using Event Viewer. Ran a manual scan with MB and sure enough, two Schannel errors popped up.

The internet properties has TLS 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2 checked. Whenever these types of events occur, Windows records the event in an event log that you can read by using Event Viewer. On the next window check for full control it should be checked In the top of the console tree, right-click Event Viewer (local), and then click Connect to another computer. Then check for Windows Event log service and the location is: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog. In the last “config” folder you may find event viewer files with “evt” extension, such as antivirus.evt, application.evt, security.evt, etc.

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