Even overclocked to 5.1 GHz, Intel's chip lands behind the 4.2 GHz Ryzen. Brand: Intel. Hitman 2 is a DirectX 12 title known to utilize multi-core CPUs well. Découvrez les faits essentiels et voyez comment Intel Core i7-9700K se situe dans le classement des processeurs. Intel Core i7-9750H - CPU benchmark, performance score .

Number of cores: 6.

Intel Core i7-9750H @ 2.60GHz was released in 2019 and supports socket. Far Cry 5 is one of the most CPU intensive titles around.

We’ve benchmarked 78 CPU units to provide a trusted benchmark score for this Intel’s 6-core processor. Information in this table was retrieved from actual processors using CPUID instruction, and we also utilized internal timer to measure CPU frequency. Intel Core i7-9700K ⭐avis. 13776. The table below compares support for x86 extensions and technologies, as well as individual instructions and low-level features of the AMD Ryzen 9 3900X and Intel Core i7-9700K microprocessors.

Aug 25, … It even boasts a number of improvements compared to the previous generation. Intel's Core i7-9700K is a proficient mainstream CPU for gaming enthusiasts, but AMD's Ryzen 7 3700X offers better value and better performance on many computing tasks. To top it off, the lows are better for the Core i7 although both being above 60, it’s rather inconsequential. Updated: June 2020. Core i7-9700K's eight physical cores can't keep up with Ryzen 7 2700X during the DX12 and DX11 CPU benchmarks. Intel Core i7-9700K 8 Core/8 Thread CPU Benchmarked With 5.5 GHz All Core Overclock on Water Cooling – Running on Z370 Motherboard .

Processor details: Class: Laptop. Scroll down for comparison chart. Core i7-9700K, on the other hand, lands right where we expect to find any other high-end, unlocked, Core i7 CPU.

By Hassan Mujtaba.

And yet, the Core i9-9900K provides no apparent benefit over the i7-9700K in this game.

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