As evident from the output below though there are tables that match the wildcard, the output from "show table extended like " does not contain the matches. hive> SHOW LOCKS test; OK Time taken: 0.305 seconds If you do a simple query like: SELECT count(1) FROM test; you will see that the table will be “SHARED” locked: hive> SHOW LOCKS test; OK default@test SHARED Time taken: 0.159 seconds, Fetched: 1 row(s) 语法. You can escape the special character in Hive LIKE statements using ‘\’. Hive is used because the tables in Hive are similar to tables in a relational database. The SHOW statement is a flexible way to get information about different types of Impala objects.. Syntax: SHOW DATABASES [[LIKE] 'pattern'] SHOW SCHEMAS [[LIKE] 'pattern'] - an alias for SHOW DATABASES SHOW TABLES [IN database_name] [[LIKE] 'pattern'] SHOW [AGGREGATE | ANALYTIC] FUNCTIONS [IN database_name] [[LIKE] 'pattern'] SHOW CREATE TABLE [database_name].table_name SHOW … Hive LIKE statement Escape Characters.
Hive is used because the tables in Hive are similar to tables in a relational database. ]table_name|view_name); Show Indexes (Version: Hive 0.7. SHOW CREATE TABLE shows the CREATE TABLE statement used to create the given table. Before becoming an open source project of Apache Hadoop, Hive was originated in Facebook. Inserting data into dynamic partitions. Hive LIKE statement Escape Characters. It provides a mechanism to project structure onto the data in Hadoop and to query that data using a SQL-like language called HiveQL (HQL).

In our last Impala tutorial, we learned to create table statements, drop table statements in Impala. In this post, we will discuss about Hive Database Commands (Create/Alter/Use/Drop Database) with some examples for each statement. SHOW TABLES lists the non-TEMPORARY tables, sequences and views in a given database.. A - MAP is Key-value pair but STRUCT is series of values.

... Impala/Hive to get list of tables along with its size. For example, Hive table column value may contain a string that has embedded percentage (%) sign, in that case escape character functionality will allow you to ignore those during string matching. Hi, Well my question is simple - I want to exclude tables with a certain prefix using this: SHOW TABLES NOT LIKE 'history%' With the prefix obviously being 'history'. 与Show Tables类似. Hive views are similar to tables, which are generated based on the requirements. If you are familiar with SQL, it’s a cakewalk. 1. 2) … Q 11 - The tables created in hive are stored as A - a subdirectory under the database directory B - a file under the database directory C - a hdfs block containing the database directory D - a .java file present in the database directory Q 12 - By default when a database is dropped in Hive A - the tables … How to compare the column names in one table to the values in another in impala.

Before Hive 0.8.0, CREATE TABLE LIKE view_name would make a copy of the view. Although Hive is popular in Hadoop world, it has its own drawback, like excessive Map/Reduce operations for certain queries and JVM overhead during Map/Reduce. Impala is designed to improve the query performance accessing data on HDFS. I cannot understand why I … You can escape the special character in Hive LIKE statements using ‘\’. ): SHOW INDEXES shows/displays all of the indexes on the column provided.

SHOW INDEXES also shows … SHOW CREATE VIEW shows the CREATE VIEW statement used to create the given view. FROM | IN. Show Views. ... Use the following commands to show partitions in Hive: The following command will list all the partitions present in the Sales table: ... Are you sure you would like to use one of your credits to purchase this title? Q 19 - The difference between the MAP and STRUCT data type in Hive is. This feature allows you to escape the string with special character. Show databases语法SHOW (DATABASES | SCHEMAS) [LIKE identifier];举例hive> show databases;OKdefaulttpcds_parquetTime taken: 1.7 seconds, Fetched: 3 row(s)hive> show schemas;OKdefaulttpcd_hive show tables
So, in order to use these commands with all the options described below we need at least hive-0.14.0 release.

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