Teams presence in Outlook is supported on the Outlook 2013 desktop app and later. On Android, you can use ML Manager, which has built-in support for uploading to APKMirror. 若需行動裝置應用程式,請移至相關的行動裝置商店:Google Play 和 Apple App Store。 For mobile apps, go to the relevant mobile stores Google Play and the Apple App Store. In China, here's how to get Teams for Android. All of the requirements in the following sections apply to both the Microsoft Teams desktop app and the Teams Web app. Microsoft Teams is your hub for teamwork in Office 365. Microsoft is rapidly evolving its Teams app on iOS and Android, as the collaboration tool embraces firstline and other mobile workers. Team App is a platform that allows teams and groups to improve communication by creating their very own smartphone app. Supported mobile platforms for Microsoft Teams mobile apps are the following: Android: Support is limited to the last four major versions of Android. The Microsoft Teams mobile apps are available for Android and iOS, and are geared for on-the-go users participating in chat-based conversations and allow peer-to-peer audio calls. Download Microsoft Teams 1416/ latest version APK by Microsoft Corporation for Android free online at Microsoft Teams is your hub for teamwork in Office 365.

Hardware requirements for Teams on a Windows PC. Microsoft Teams Android latest 1416/ APK Download and Install. ... All your team conversations, files, meetings, and apps live together in a single shared workspace, and you can take it with you on your favorite mobile device. Component Requirement; Computer and processor: Minimum 1.6 GHz (or higher) (32-bit or 64-bit). The Windows Phone App was retired July 20, 2018 and may no longer work. Whether you’re sprinting towards a deadline or sharing your next big idea, Teams can help you achieve more. 儲存空間 Storage 若要深入瞭解 Teams 中的目前狀態,請參閱 Teams 中的使用者目前狀態。 To learn more about presence in Teams, see User presence in Teams.

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