This was as startling a debut record as any ever made, representing every side of Elvis' musical influences except gospel -- rockabilly, blues, R&B, country, and pop were all here in an explosive and seductive combination. Sell now - Have one to sell? Free shipping . The Essential Elvis Presley Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Inc. Reproduction Number: LC-USZ6-2067 Location: NYWTS -- BIOG - The Library of Congress retrieved/ Wikipedia Commons. 4.8 out of 5 stars 14 ratings. $9.99. X. Elvis Presley (Debut Album) (180G 33 Rpm/7Inch 45 Rpm Colored Vinyl) 33 rpm, 7" vinyl, 45 (7" single, 45 rpm), Import PRESLEY,ELVIS (Artist) Format: Vinyl. $15.99. Dénichez-le dans notre catégorie CD Album et achetez-le sans plus tarder au meilleur prix. Album Premiere: Benny Hester's Lost 1972 Debut, Featuring Elvis' TCB Band, Plus a Q&A ; Album Premiere: Midnight Mantics, 'Mixtape Vol. Picture Information. 1956 Elvis Presley RCA Debut Album record LPM-1254 VG+: 2011-10-09 7: USD 17.04: auction209: Elvis Presley RCA Victor LPM 1254 Record: 2011-10-09 3: USD 15.5: auction229: ELVIS PRESLEY DEBUT ALBUM 1956 RCA LPM-1254: 2011-10-07 0: USD 90.0: auction134: ELVIS PRESLEY 1956 ALBUM GOOD CONDITION:
ELVIS PRESLEY GOOD ROCKIN TONIGHT B W I DON T CARE ORIGINAL USA SUN 7 1954 1 à 3 jours ouvrés. Elvis Presley Debut Album (1956) Limited Edition (180g) 17,95 € * Tous les prix sont incl. Elvis Presley: Debut Recordings | Elvis Presley. Elvis Presley became the first rock & roll album to reach the number one spot on the national charts, and RCA's first million dollar-earning pop album.
Immédiatement disponible à l'expédition, Délai de livraison** env.
Votre artiste ou groupe préféré vient de sortir un nouvel album de musique ?
Mémoriser. Des frais de port. TVA et excl. EXTRA 20% OFF 5+ ITEMS See all eligible items. Elvis Presley – Blue Hawaii – ‘Red Spot’ – RD-27238 – LP Vinyl Record. 02. of 10.
Dans le panier .
This is the 2006 re-release of Elvis' debut album,. Have one to sell? In November 1955, RCA Records bought Presley's contract, singles and unreleased master tapes from Sun Records for $35,000. His first full-length album … Réf. See all formats and editions Hide other formats and editions. ELVIS PRESLEY 1956 DEBUT ALBUM LPM 1254 VINYL RECORD FIRST PRESSING USA MINT This Item have been sold for $ 887,00 on Date 12 Nov 2016 Bids: 1 Seller Country: Port Deposit, Maryland. Opens image gallery. Sur la liste de souhaits Coter . Elvis Presley RCA, 1956. ELVIS PRESLEY DEBUT ALBUM (MINI-LP GATEFOLD REPLICA) SEALED NEW CD. Free shipping . Shop with confidence. Streamez en Hi-Fi ou téléchargez en vraie qualité CD sur
Achat Elvis Presley Debut Album/Elvis à prix bas. Description. de l’article: LP771972 ; Poids en kg: 0.31 ; P Maintenant bonus points . This is a great starter album for any Elvis fan. 1' DJ Ashba of Sixx:A.M. and Guns N' Roses Talks Elvis, Musicals and Bringing Back Bombast It is a two disc set that contains practice takes not included on the original 1956 album.
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