LEC Spring 2020 esports tournament information: Premier tier, dates from 24-01-2020 to 27-04-2020, League of Legends Game, $225000 prize pool, 10 teams attending, winners - G2 … The Worlds 2019 runners-up will be the team to beat. The 2020 League of Legends Pro League (LPL) is the ninth year of China's professional League of Legends league. By Kristine Tuting. The top eight teams continue on to the playoffs. Single Round Robin April 3, 2020.

The spring season sees seventeen teams play a single round robin over ten weeks. The regular season has wrapped up for the League of Legends European Championship (LEC) Spring Split, and the top six teams will now fight it out in the playoffs. LoL LEC 2020 Spring Playoffs: Everything you need to know. The Championship points decide which teams can attend the 2020 League of Legends … In addition to the cash prize and the Championship Points, the winner of the 2020 LEC Spring Playoffs can also earn themselves a spot for the 2020 Mid-Season Invitational event, later this year. Overview [] Format [].


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