For me starting Outlook with /noextensions switch enabled it to start, then I went to COM Addins dialog and disabled Social Connector Addin. Outlook now works fine again - but would like to get Social Connector working to try it out. If you want to disable all social networks completely in Microsoft Outlook, you should do as following: Step 1: Click the File > Options. See screen shot: (Many users save contacts so they can sync with phones or to have the contacts available offline.)

The Outlook Social Connector shows updates and information for your contacts in the People Pane, which sits below your open Outlook items, such as e-mail, appointments or meetings, and contacts. In Microsoft Outlook, you experience the following symptoms: After you install the March 10, 2015, update for Outlook Social Connector 2013 (), LinkedIn is no longer available in the Social Connector in Outlook.For example, when you click View, click People Pane, and then click Account Settings, LinkedIn isn't displayed in the Social Network Accounts dialog box. It requires the user add contacts from the GAL to the local contact folder. It allows you to get additional contact information from various Social Networking sites you might have signed up for. With this add-in, one can access e-mail messages and contacts in any Hotmail account for free. When the social connector is enabled in Microsoft Outlook and you have an Exchange mailbox, the social connector will sync changes in the GAL to contacts. The Outlook Social Connector also updates Michael’s information in your Outlook contacts folders whenever he changes his social network profiles. Step 2: In the Outlook Options dialog box, click the Add-Ins in the left bar, and click the Go button at the bottom. I have exactly same combination: 32bit Social Connector, on 32 bit Office 2010, on Win 7 64 bit Ultimate. Microsoft Office Outlook Connector is a free add-in for Microsoft Outlook that allows users to access Windows Live Hotmail or Office Live Mail accounts through Microsoft Outlook. I work in an exchange environment with 10,000 employees. The Outlook Social Connector is designed primarily for those who use social networking sites, but it can be handy even if you never link the connector to another site. The Outlook Social Connector is built into Outlook 2010 and Outlook 2013 and available as an add-in for Outlook 2003 and Outlook 2007. As an example, I've installed the Outlook Social Connector but haven't attached it to a social networking site. Are there any known issues with social connector.

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