SOLIDWORKS BOM tools, bill of materials, export, excel, csv, SOLIDWORKS Troubleshooting

I am attempting to insert a Bill of Materials using a specific table template into a Solidworks drawing via API.
Acidcat CMS is a web site and simple content management system that can be administered via a web browser. Solidworks PDM API - IEdmBomView.GetRows does not return the same items for the BOM that are in PDM.

Macro that updates all drawing BOM… This macro contains code that shows you how to set tree display settings through the SOLIDWORKS API. I have a routine in C# to export the BOM from Solidworks, but when I verified, the 2 items marked in the image are not returned by "GetRows" routine of the "IEdmBomView" class. Let’s fine-tune your BOM moves and get that drawing grooving like you mean it. It turns off Descriptions for Feature, ... Update BOM Configuration. XBOM is designed to leverage the already-powerful Bill of Materials capabilities found within SOLIDWORKS PDM to fill the gap between SOLIDWORKS PDM and full Product Life Cycle (PLM) Enterprise solutions for BOM Management. Here we'll show how to go about this using "Assembly Visualization."

You will walk away a smarter, more adept person with the ability to argue all the benefits of a SolidWorks BOM. While there are several BOM types in SOLIDWORKS, not even the "indented" BOM type will total up the values from each sub assembly for the "grand total" of the entire assembly.. At times, it's important to know the total quantity of items for the complete(d) assembly – not just at each level. My macro so far is thus: Sub Macro2() Dim BomTa Insert BOM API - DASSAULT: SOLIDWORKS 3D Design - Eng-Tips It turns on Names for Feature, Component, and Component Configuration. The items are normal in Solidworks. Although I could be wrong, from testing this in SW, and looking at the SolidWorks Knowledge Base, reading “Solution Id: S-026416”, it appears that its not possible to have an Excel BOM show multiple QTY / Quantity columns for multiple configurations. Good question Donno.From testing it there in SolidWorks, the Standard BOM does show an extra column for Quantity in multiple configurations. BOM madness: Know the Basics Before we start, I must say, please check out The SW Geek, Alex Ruiz’s, coverage on BOM’s this week.

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