... Aluxx Aluminum - Giant goes beyond the limits of standard aluminum with its own ALUXX Aluminum Technology, a masterful blend of cutting-edge material science and proprietary forming and construction techniques. Giant offered the TCR Advanced 0 for the first time in 2012, and it was a price-killer by delivering a bike with Ultegra Di2 for $4000.

競賽選手訓練的秘密利器:全力衝刺、日常操練就從極輕量鋁合金公路車開始。 tcr slr 提供選手輕量、精準操控、高效表現及無與倫比的質感,卓越操控和高效率性能使得 tcr slr 的路感難以被超越。捷安特精心打造出耐用又極度輕盈的頂級鋁合金公路車,輕量、快速,tcr slr 隨時準備突襲。
Condition is Used.

... Aluxx Aluminum - Giant goes beyond the limits of standard aluminum with its own ALUXX Aluminum Technology, a masterful blend of cutting-edge material science and proprietary forming and construction techniques. Giant 2013 bike catalogue ... XLCOLOURS Black/Blue/WhiteFRAME ALUXX SL-Grade AluminumFORK Composite, Alloy OverDrive Steerer, 1 1/8-1 1/4 BearingsSHOCK N/A HcomponentsHANDLEBAR Giant Connect - 31.8STEM Giant ConnectSEATPOST Giant Connect Composite - 30.9SADDLE Giant TCR SaddlePEDALS N/Adrivetrain GSHIFTERS Shimano 105FRONT … Frame and fork. Aluxx SL : Le meilleur ratio poids-rigidité; Aluxx : Le meilleur ratio poids-rigidité-confort; La force de Giant s’est sa largeur de gamme, car en effet Giant pourra vous accompagner au quotidien, lors d’un week-end d’aventures, de découvertes ou de compétition. M/L frame, comes with spacer pack as it's ISP. Pick up only. Pedal will be replaced back with the original as this clips go with my shoes. Size ML or about 56cm. Whilst we try to ensure all prices, product descriptions and availability are correct we cannot be held responsible for errors or omissions, as Giant reserves the right to make changes to information regarding their products at any time without notice, including with respect to prices, specifications, equipment, models, colors, and materials. Fitted with Shimano 105 kit, the TCR 1 is a solid, reliable and reasonably lightweight road bike that packs in a lot of value for the cash. The frame is made from what Giant call their AluxX SL aluminium alloy - they reckon it's 30% stiffer than traditional 6061-series aluminium, and it's butted to save weight. 자전거 소식들 / 바이시클링 라이프 2012. 現在はアルミの最上位グレードaluxx slrフレームのみとなっています。 giantのアルミフレームテクノロジーについて. Top range Reynolds aero 46 clincher wheels, Strada handmade £2,900 It is collecting dust in my garage. For 7 years, i used it less than 20 times. This is the top model in the giant tcr range, this is a rare colour scheme. Giant ranks it third out of the 20 frames tested! 2013년, 자이언트(Giant)의 신제품 로드 바이크 라인업 최신 소식들 1 - TCR Advanced, Composite, TCR SL과 TCR 공개-! Giant Defy 2 Aluxx SL Medium 2013. Its a 2013 model Giant TCR Composite 2.
Very fast road bike that weighs around 7kg.

The other result shows steering stiffness, where the SLR ranks mid pack. Giant claims the SLR is stiffer around the bottom bracket than the TCR Advanced and even Advanced SL, and is only just behind the pro-issue TCR Advanced SL with integrated seatpost. Its box stock with: Giant TCR Composite grade carbon fiber frame and fork, Shimano 105 5700 20 speed Compact geartrain including crankset and brakes, Giant P-R2 wheelset, Giant Connect handlebars and stem, Giant aero carbon seatpost, Giant road saddle, etc.

Time for this bike to go to someone who will have a good use to it. View product specifications: Giant TCR SL 1 2013 - View Reviews, Specifications, Prices, Comparisons and Local Bike Shops.

View product specifications: Giant TCR SL 2 2013 - View Reviews, Specifications, Prices, Comparisons and Local Bike Shops. Giant tcr advanced sl.

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