Other more advanced functions aside, the D110, D2, D210, X310 and D3a BT feature identical conventional laser targeting systems. Leica DISTO D810 Touch the first 200m laser distance meter with a touch screen & on screen picture measuring or “Measure with Picture” technology.The D810 incorporates all the functionality of the smaller DISTO D510 but the bigger touch screen makes life a lot more interesting. Gracias a su cámara integrada es posible obtener fotos y descargarlas en un ordenador a través de una interfaz USB. Leica DISTO X4 – P2P Package; Leica DISTO D510.
Encuentra Distanciometro Leica D810 - Medidores Telémetro en Mercado Libre México.

Descubre la mejor forma de comprar online. Leica DISTO D510 Pro Kit; Leica DISTO D810 Touch. Encuentra Disto Leica D810 en Mercado Libre México. Leica DISTO D110; Leica DISTO D210; Leica DISTO X310; Leica DISTO D2 BT; Leica DISTO X3. El Leica DISTO™ D810 touch es el primer distanciómetro del mundo con pantalla táctil, para un manejo extremadamente fácil e intuitivo. All Leica Disto laser measures are ideal for measuring indoors but, if you’re unlikely to be measuring more than 100m indoors, it might be that the D510, D810 and S910 are overkill. Distance is measured from the front of the device (lock symbol = permanently).

Leica DISTO™ D410 y D510 Puntería precisa con el puntero IP 65 IP 65 1 4 7 2 5 8 3 0 . This allows to do exact measurements even when turning the unit horizontally. Descubre la mejor forma de comprar online. The adapter can be used with the Leica DISTO D510 (an offset of -0,065m (-2 9/16 in) needs to be entered in the D510 device) and the Leica DISTO D810 touch. Distance is measured from a Leica DISTO Leica DISTO S910 Pro Kit; Which DISTO? Leica DISTOTM D510 792312c 14 Functions EN Adjusting measuring reference/tripod 1 2 3 Distance is measured from the rear of the device (standard setting).

(you can select the adapter in the Reference options of the D810 … Distance is measured from the tripod thread permanently. Leica DISTO D810 touch Pro Kit; Leica DISTO S910. Otra revolucionaria característica que proporciona es que permite medir sobre una imagen. Leica DISTO X3 – P2P Package; Leica DISTO D410; Leica DISTO X4.

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