So I don't know what it is. This probably refers to a Go library (developed by Google, according to the source you mentioned, however I couldn’t find reliable information about it). They are categorised by the browser, operating system, hardware type and so on; you can also see how popular a user agent is. For the most part, you should be able to easily identify the browsers that are being used in your network and that will account for most of the user agents observed. Copy/paste any user agent string and/or IP address in this fields and click 'Analyze UA and/or IP' useragent string: Go-http-client/1.1 IP address: (v.4 or v.6) anti spam - insert: 5139 1.9k. 10:50 pm on Aug 14, 2017 (gmt 0) Senior Member from US . Signature ET MALWARE User-Agent (Mozilla/4.0 (compatible)). Ask Question Asked 6 years, 2 months ago.

Thoughts? Viewed 34k times 57. We have over 1 user agents for Go Httpclient which you can browse and explore. Active 1 month ago. User agent: Go-http-client/1.1. When you use http.Get(url), you are using the http.DefaultClient, a package variable that defines the default configuration for a client.

I understand that this is for web crawler activity, and that it's in Emerging Threats. This probably refers to a Go library (developed by Google, according to the source you mentioned, however I couldn’t find reliable information about it). I usually ignore weird stuff from my IP in my log. By removing those from the equation, you’re left with a list of anomalies you can start digging through. Go-http-client/1.1 This user agent string belongs to GO HttpClient, which is a library used to perform HTTP requests (more often, in the automatic mode as a web crawler or bot).

In many cases, a user agent acts as a client in a network protocol used in communications within a client–server distributed computing system. However, the weird thing is that all of the blocked attempts are coming from the Cloud Controller itself, and it appears to be ubnt/systemhub that is responsible: netstat -anp --tcp

Infrastructure as Code Isn't Programming, It's Configuring, and You Can Do It. It is good to know that they use Go-http-client/1.1. Browser

Tips for Investigating Suspicious User Agents. From: localmachine, to:, protocol: TCP, in interface: eth1 The go-http-client/1.1 User Agent, is Google’s Bot/Crawler and I think would be a bad idea to block it, unless if you don’t want your site to rank on Google’s Search Engine of course.. That’s not true.

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Like many client-server protocols, HTTP requires that the client and server negotiate how content will be delivered prior to exchanging information. Msg#:4863268 .

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