Your God given dreams are to be loved, cherished and nurtured. Especially as I have been having a few treats (apple pie and eating out for dinner on Thursday and Saturday!) It means “Have faith in your dreams. I definitely think it it is much more important to focus on getting healthier by exercising. The verse is stamped and heat embossed on vellum and adhered using my Xyron machine. I have recently witnessed someone who lost all her dreams and desires in a split second. I used several colors of Shimmering Bliss Sprays and just spritzed over the grass, boat, and water. 1) God is not finish with you yet. One of the roots of fear is lower level focus.The dreams God gives you helps you to maintain a higher level of focus toward faith, rather than a lower level focus leading you to fear. These fierce women have empowered and inspired us all over the years. I used Technique Junkies Fishing Boat and Faith in Your Dreams to create this card. Believe in yourself and the possibility of your dreams coming true, without letting discouragement rob you of the faith you have in yourself. 2. "Have faith in your dreams and someday your rainbow will come shining through."

I) Jesus has a purpose for your life you have a dream or a destiny that God has given you, and you are expected to hold onto it.

A) Don’t give up even if it looks like your dreams are so far out of reach that there is no way they could ever come to pass. Have faith in your dreams and someday Your rainbow will come smiling thru No matter how your heart is grieving If you keep on believing The dream that you wish will come true A dream is a wish your heart makes When you're feeling small, yeah Alone in the night you whisper To access the auspicious full moon energy, I have included four methods to add to your Feng Shui toolkit. You are on the right track.” If you read my blogs you are familiar with my message: Feng Shui is a portal through which you can advance your development by consciously designing your space. Have Faith In Your Dreams Sunday, August 21, 2011. Don't rush to the interpretation of your dreams.

For me, instead of letting the work permit delay and lack of money discourage me, I opted to change the course of my dream. All i know is that when i'm doubting and feeling hopeless; i need to pray and focus on God's word.

So I weighed myself today and I have lost 1.2kg which I am pretty happy about. If you want adventure in the great wide somewhere, look no further! B) Turn to Acts 26:16. You could choose whichever sprays appealed to you! -Cinderella. Somedays it's easy to believe and have faith and.... somedays it's so hard.

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