Thanks Toss, can you please tell me which specific area out of T-Bone Junction you're talking about, thanks. Sneaky Little Buggers Achievement in Borderlands: Killed each of the loot midgets - worth 25 Gamerscore. i bought the secret armory of general knoxx, downloaded it, then installed it. Boost the Monster +Core Collection Greasemonkey You’ve Got Moxxi: Roadblock +Road Rage +Power Leech +OMG APC +This ♥♥♥♥♥ is Payback Code Breaker: Analysis +Drifter Lifter +Knoxxed Out +This ♥♥♥♥♥ is Payback, pt. These Eridian-based weapons are able to track moving targets and can be quite damaging if they connect. But I Don’t Even Know Her. This page contains Borderlands Hints for Xbox 360 called "DLC Cheat for T-Bone Junction - Money and Weapons" and has been posted or updated on Sep 27, 2011 by Bocannon. This DLC was a difficult one and was made for higher levels. Find guides to this achievement here. Posted on 12. Armory Assault is a story mission in The Secret Armory of General Knoxx given by Athena.
Borderlands: Driving under T-Bone Junction. I felt … 47!

Find guides to this achievement here. Completionist Achievement in Borderlands (JP): Complete all missions in Secret Armory - worth 25 Gamerscore. My friend was the one who cashed the mission in (although I did it at just about the same time) - yet for some reason he was the only one who got the backpack upgrade. That includes a whole mess of skins, but also some meaty expansions, like Captain Scarlett … Thanks to Audacious Kevin for showing us how to do this.

All you have to do is drive off the edge in T-Bone Junction and just before you hit the bottom switch seats. There are 47 pieces of DLC for Borderlands 2 on Steam. Find guides to this achievement here. For Borderlands on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs Q&A question titled "Locked doors in T-bone Junction? So today we are going to do a different DLC, the T Bone Junction DLC. Once in T-Bone Junction, follow the below steps: Open all three lockers when you first enter the starting building in T-Bone Junction, then immediately go west to open up four more against the western part of the starting building. More than 8 million torrents indexed. Boxshot & Details Developer: Gearbox Software

For Borderlands on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Where is Marcus in T-Bone Junction?

". quazx12 (2011-01-16)
For Borderlands on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Where is the T-Bone Junction bounty board? The first part of the mission is to defeat General Knoxx. ". Some characters actually walk around Sanctuary, remedying the ghost town aura of part one’s New Haven, T-Bone Junction, and Tartarus Station. Thanks for the upload..but..uhmm..everything seems to work fine..except when I reach this Prison Escape part in T-Bone Junction, the screen just turns black and the game stops...any solutions?

+Big Crimson Brother is Watching +Wanted: Dead!

". the first is slightly northwest from where you start the dlc on the side of the circular road. For Borderlands: The Secret Armory of General Knoxx on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Locked doors at T-bone junction". Shortly after that i beat the game for the first time and can't get to t-bone junction. Mar, 2010 by Brandon "Assassin" Brunstad in Gameplay, Videos. Last time, we went to the Underdome Arena. T-Bone Junction: Scooter? ... for a quick jump back to T-Bone Junction. Download Borderlands + 3 DLC [MAC] torrent here, no registration required. on my t-bone junction map it shows that there are two bounty boards. I played Lockdown Palace tonight with a friend and we resolved the Claptrap mission (freeing him from his bonds). 「T-Bone Junction」というのは、Atlas社管轄のハイウェイジャンクションにできた街で、「Fyrestone」や「New Haven」と並ぶ便利な拠点マップです。 「T-Bone Junction」から北に進むと、「The Ridgeway」というハイウェイで、その先が「Sunken Sea」というだだっ広い荒野です。 in the game borderlands how do i get to t-bone junction?

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