Archive for the '' Category. 2009-10 NBA … 2009-10 NBA Season; … Six of the instances ranged from 1950 to 1962, with Wicks' instance being an outlier in 1971. Both comments and pings are currently closed. ); I sometimes read game articles and analyses (e.g. Most Valuable Player: LeBron James (29.7/7.3/8.6) Rookie of the Year: Tyreke Evans (20.1/5.3/5.8) PPG Leader: Kevin Durant (30.1) RPG Leader: Dwight Howard (13.2) APG Leader: Steve Nash (11.0) WS Leader: LeBron James (18.5) More league info.

Car makers and insurance companies were most represented among NBA sponsors, followed … League Champion: Los Angeles Lakers. Adjusted Shooting Stats Added to Basketball Reference. In October we added the ability to break down our box scores since '96-97 by the quarter or half. Most Valuable Player: LeBron James (29.7/7.3/8.6) Rookie of the Year: Tyreke Evans (20.1/5.3/5.8) PPG Leader: Kevin Durant (30.1) RPG Leader: Dwight Howard (13.2) APG Leader: Steve Nash (11.0) WS Leader: LeBron James (18.5) More league info. Previous Entries . I’m a casual NBA fan: I don’t have time to watch the games but enjoy viewing the highlights on Instagram/Youtube (especially Shaqtin’ A Fool! The official site of the National Basketball Association.

Last August Basketball Reference extended its coverage of play-by-play all the way back to 1996-97 (the earliest season for which comprehensive, digitized NBA play-by-play data is available). Thanks to a great deal of diligent research and data entry, we've now filled out basic box scores for every game in NBA history, going back to the league's first season in 1946-47. Since the 1967 to 1968 season, each team in the National Basketball Association plays 82 games in 6 months for the regular season beginning on the last week of October to April of the following year. Posted on December 11, 2018 by kjytay. There's been much debate about the greatest players in NBA history of late.

The official height of a regulation NBA basketball hoop is 10 feet from the floor, and the backboard extends another 3.5 feet vertically and 6 feet horizontally. National Basketball Association (NBA) quarters last for 12 minutes, and there are four of them during every NBA game. Archive for the '' Category. The height of the hoop is standard across all levels of play. Scraping NBA game data from

Eighty-four percent of teams with a malt-beverage sponsor have support from Anheuser-Busch. Learn more about quarter length for other types of basketball games, how long an NBA game lasts, and more about shot clocks and rules. It's important to keep in mind that these box scores do not contain the full stats that you're used to seeing, but we do now have FGs, FTs, and, most importantly, points for every player in every NBA game ever played. Adjusted Shooting Stats Added to Basketball Reference. This entry was posted on Monday, June 11th, 2012 at 8:46 am and is filed under Announcement, Both comments and pings are currently closed. NBA games are very similar to National Football League (NFL) games in how they are structured.

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