I wish to be notified as soon as the product becomes available again in the online boutique E-mail By clicking on "Confirm" you confirm you have read the privacy policy and consent to the processing of your personal data by Christian Dior Couture in the conditions set forth in the privacy policy for the management of its stock alerts. Entdecken Sie das ganze Christian Dior Universum mit Mode, Parfums und Accessoires für Damen und Herren DIOR official website.

Shop Dior at Sephora.
Dior has gone 3-D with a new virtual beauty boutique, which looks like its shop on Paris’ Avenue des Champs-Élysées and allows viewers to wander around, learn about products and make purchases.

Dior has partnered with a number of Paris' most talented dancers in order to "awaken the senses lulled by lockdown", who are offering lessons and workshops online. Women@Dior is an invitation-only program. They are all young women full of promise and potential who study at one of Dior’s partner universities and are available to attend the global conference in Paris on December 2020. DIOR Site Officiel. Découvrez tout l'univers Christian Dior, Mode, Parfums et Accessoires pour Homme et Femme Discover Christian Dior fashion, fragrances and accessories for Women and Men Find luxurious makeup, perfume and skin care products to help you achieve fresh-off-the-runway looks.
All participants are selected based on three criteria: talent, ambition and generosity. Updated [03/07/20]: The Air Dior Lottery has been revealed. DIOR offizielle Seite. Updated [03/09/20]: The Air Dior 1 High is rumored to be limited to just 8,500 pairs.

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