Our Pets for Life program serves people and animals in Milwaukee’s 53206 and 53205 zip codes and Amani, Franklin Heights, Halyard Park, Harambee, Metcalfe Park, Midtown, and Walnut Hill neighborhoods through door-to-door outreach. Puppies for Sale. When Pets for Life first began, there was a clear understanding that people living in underserved communities were faced with daily, extreme barriers to accessing services for their pets. We are a community of dog lovers committed to helping you find the perfect puppy for your experience level, family, and home. If you are unable to do this, KPFL, with some financial assistance from the County is actively offering a spay/neuter program.

Thank you again for a truly great food” Tanya & Zeke At PuppySpot you can rest assured that your new puppy is coming from a vetted, responsible breeder. “Since I have switched my Pugs to Pets 4 Life, I have never seen brighter eyes, better weight management, nicer coats, and all around healthier dogs, including the total elimination of urinary and thyroid problems.
Kootenai Pets for Life encourages everyone to take their pets to their veterinarian and have them spayed or neutered and to keep their vaccinations up to date.

Families in this community face many barriers to accessing important services for the animals they love.

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