These were limited numbers made in japan,Rumors say roughly 500 produced .
have this very rare and special 2007 toyota vitz trd spec m turbo.a lot of money was spent on this vehicle by the previous japanese owner. Vitz RS turbo Powered by TRD released bB TRD Sports M released ist TRD Sports M released .

Toyota Vitz TRD turbo M - Your mum's shopping car on roids. Super clean car with full Japanese service history.

spec is below-fully registered and ready to drive away.japanese auction grade 4.

Yes that’s right only 68,000km […] Encuentre un TOYOTA VITZ usado asequible con el mejor exportador de autos usados japoneses BE FORWARD. The Toyota Vitz TRD Turbo M rides on a stiffer suspension that also lowers the car by 15mm. 2004 (Heisei 16) Hi allVery rare car 150bhp I have for sale Toyota Vitz TRD M 1.5 Turbo manual now ready to be sold.Please dont mistake this model with the normal RS models. The TRD brake pad "Blue" and the WayDo brake pad are renamed.
So, please find your favorite Japanese used Vehicles in Goo-net Exchange. On Goo-net exchange, there are over 368,707 cars including foreign and Japanese used cars in stock, and the listed information is updated in real-time.

Please find your ideal used TOYOTA VITZ at Goo-net Exchange. I was going to buy it to strip it down for the 1NZFE and turbo and chuck all that in … Product: I changed TRD brake pad for street to TRD brake pad "Black", TRD brake pad for circuit to TRD brake pad "Red".

1.5 litre turbo with intercooler (180bhp) mileage is 99,435km (62,146 miles) 5 speed manual. This page introduces various used TOYOTA VITZ. 2008 TOYOTA VITZ 1.5 RS TRD TURBO M/DBA-NCP91 BG956464 usados en venta - BE FORWARD BG956464 ,Precio actual del vehículo : $5,119

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