Other image attributes in the Properties … Even if you don't put in FTP info, it still wants to know where your files are in relation to each other and won't get that info from your OS. And you have the reverse where you want all of the content of the file to be 'public', that is defined but not used is OK in a global scope, and then you mark the 'private' items that have to be accessed to not generate a warning. When I look at developers playing with HTML/CSS it reminds … For example, the image ID is used when images are connected to JavaScript programs or databases. I see many web sites with the new bells and whistles and I know I'm behind the curve on a lot of stuff.

It's a useful program for a wide range of web designers and developers, from beginners to advanced professionals. I then downloaded and installed the latest version of Dreamweaver CC 2017.0.1 along with several plug-ins. I thought I might be able to 'Save as' into my Creative Cloud files folder but when I open the CC folder there is no Dw folder icon.

$ jshint example.js example.js: line 2, col 16, 'caller' is defined but never used. Now, when I try to work on the existing templates Dreamweaver says there are no defined sites, which is ridiculous because in order to create a template you have to first define a site. However, I get the errors below. Dreamweaver CC is a popular software program for creating websites without knowing any code.

Other image attributes in the Properties … This procedure is possible only if the site is defined to use a site cache: In Dreamweaver, open the Site panel by choosing Window > Files. I had been using DW for like 4 years now, and it goes without saying that, it is great! A key lesson that many of us can learn from this is that ease-of-use is really important to a non-tech audience. [no-unused-vars] mjhock. I use Dreamweaver in Coder mode, it's a lot more efficient than notepad or basic editors... automatically colours different types of tags, highlights unclosed tags, auto-closes tags when you type in

Be kind and respectful, give credit to the original source of content, and search for duplicates before posting. example.js: line 6, col 16, 'callee' is defined but never used. As said, no you don't need to use HTML, CSS, etc. For example, the image ID is used when images are connected to JavaScript programs or databases. Dreamweaver’s Properties Inspector is context-sensitive, meaning that when you click an image, HTML attributes for that image are displayed and editable.

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