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Switchfoot. About Wouldn't It Be Nice "Wouldn't It Be Nice" is a song written by Brian Wilson and Tony Asher for the American rock band the Beach Boys.

Wouldn't It Be Nice To Live Again lyrics performed by The Beach Boys: Wouldn't it be nice to live again High on a hill making love again Whoever said that love would die Whoever said the very first lie In 1966 The Beach Boys released ‘Wouldn’t It Be Nice’, the now-iconic opening track from the band’s pioneering album Pet Sounds.The song would be a shining piece of the album’s jigsaw and act as a bright and beaming pop refrain.
Lyrics to 'Wouldn't It Be Nice' by The Beach Boys. The Beach Boys Wouldn't It Be Nice To Live Again Lyrics. Wouldn't it be nice if we were older, then we wouldn't have to wait so long And, wouldn't it be nice to live together in the kind of world where we be-long You know it's gonna make it that much better, when we can say goodnight and stay to-gether Wouldn't it be nice if … It was released as the opening track on their 1966 album Pet Sounds. The song was also released as a single two months after the album's release with "God Only Knows" as its B-side. 5:42. VERSE 2: (Horns: Low accent) Bm G You know its gonna make it that much better,(Oooh) Bm F#m Em A When we can say goodnight and sleep together. D Wouldn't it be nice if we could wake up,(Oooh-bupbup) G Em A In the morning when the day is D And wouldn't it be nice to live together, G Em A In the kind of world where we belong? Wouldn't It Be Nice (Live at Live Aid, John F. Kennedy Stadium, 13th July 1985) Transatlanticism - A cover from Tim & Drew.

Day 15 - Wouldn’t it Be Nice by The Beach Boys #StayHome. Tonight is a cover from one of my favorite records of all time— Pet Sounds.

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