Office 365 2016 solo Dear Community, I purchased a laptop in Japan and i am going to stay here for another 6 months. Is this possible? Previous versions of Office, such as Office 2010, may work with Microsoft 365 with reduced functionality. If yes, how do I install Office 365 on my Is this statement true? My subscription was through my work place. Office 365 apps, … The operating system cannot be updated to a later version.

However, some of the new features had already been available as part of the then-called Office 365 subscription. This machine used to run office 365. The only ‘subscription’ option is Office 365 Solo.

Make your life more creative, organized, and secure with powerful productivity apps, cloud storage, and more. I bought office 365 but it is not compatible with IOS 10.11.6. I already have a Office 365 account and installed it on my Mac. After that, our engineers will effectively provide help for you.
Compare Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365) plans for individuals, families, and students. I no longer have that subscription and want to use 365. So nether language change nor use in other country? With Office 365 on the Mac App Store, these apps can now be easily distributed to employees using Apple Business Manager, a central dashboard where IT can deploy devices, apps and licenses. However, the sales personal in the shop told me that the licence only can be used in Japan and in Japanese language only.

Microsoft Japan has its own arrangements for selling Office 365. Can I install an older version of office? Office 365 Home and Personal plans are sold, by Microsoft’s count, in 246 countries and territories but not Japan. This plan works with Office 2019, Office 2016, and Office 2013. Best regards, Marcus Tin. This compatibility with Office does not include the Office 365 F3 plans. Also, this can benefit other community members and help them quickly find helpful reference.

Now IT can quickly enable employees to get to work with their favorite Office tools across Mac, iPad and iPhone, with great new features designed specifically for Apple devices. Office 2019 for Mac was launched in September 2018 as an update to Office 2016 for Mac.

As the owner of the thread is using Office 365 Home subscription, yours are different with him, the issue is not the same reason, in order to keep each thread dedicated to one issue, we suggest you post a new thread in our forum.

I have an older MAC. Neither the Personal (single licence) or the more popular Home plan (five licenses) are available.

Microsoft has made Office 365 apps available on the Mac App Store for the first time. I have less use for the Mac now, and would like to use Office 365 on my PC.
I am planning to purchase office 365 2016 solo.

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