In the paper line, all three variants are always reproduced in the AU-blue colour. AU wants to act and be perceived as a unified organisation. At Arts, variant 2c will be used for fairly short unit names and for the faculty. Common pages for PhD students PhD-portals. PhD portal Biology. at Aarhus BSS, Degree programmes in business administration at Aarhus BSS, The Department of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences at Aarhus BSS / [Department of] Political Science at Aarhus BSS. For students; For PhDs; For employees; Departments and faculties; AU Library; Blackboard MYSTUDIES.AU.DK. Ownership of own website ensures that Aarhus BSS’ is able to promote the organisation and manage its own digital activities and services and thereby foster a clear correlation between the organisation and its core activities. Employee portals. Address: Aarhus University Aarhus BSS Department of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences Speed and Strength Logo Vector. Aarhus University logo / Aarhus Universitets logo. Find. For students; For PhDs; For employees; Local study portal Find your study portal. Department of Biology. Departments and faculties. The choice of logotype depends on the overall look of the publication and the space available around the mark. Cashmore Drive. There are three ways of integrating names of academic units into the AU logo: However, variant 2C will only be used for fairly short unit names instead of using variant 2B. Special logos for sub-units or projects are not used. Department of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences was founded in 1968 and is a part of Aarhus BSS which holds the internationally recognised accreditations by AACSB and AMBA as well as the EQUIS accreditation for the school’s business activities.. In time, Aarhus BSS will also become more visible on the overall AU websites, where it will be referred to as Aarhus University’s business school. The aim is generally to reduce the number of secondary logos at AU. Aarhus University logo / Aarhus Universitets logo. AU logo and seal Do you need the AU logo with the name of your department or faculty, or is the logo not listed below? Research/Consultancy. Aarhus University Hospital uses the Central Denmark Region logo. Administrative units: Aarhus BSS Communication and External Relations, Aarhus BSS HR & PhD, Aarhus BSS Studies Administration etc. Education. The Danish Accreditation Institution (ACE) logo can be obtained from ACE. Tel: +45 8715 0000, © — Common pages for PhD students PhD-portals. Common pages for staff members at AU dating from before 9 March 2011) and logos for interdisciplinary centres. In addition, the logos are designed to fit the relevant formats (negative and for use in various formats, including AU's standard letterhead), and they are made available for download from the website. Cookies at Health is a research-intensive faculty which offers degree programmes across the health sciences spectrum, including medicine, dentistry, sport science and public health. Pages for all PhD students Listen to a podcast Here, you can meet five cool ph.d.s in the podcast series ' the young researchers ' and take part in a trip back to the Roman Empire in the podcast series ' Caesar's Forum. Tlf. 8715 0000 (Aarhus University main number) Find us on a map. Privacy Policy, Logo and seal - usage at Nat and Tech - Aarhus University, Business cards, envelopes and merchandise, The logo consists of two letters – A and U – from the. Aarhus University logo / Aarhus Universitets logo. Have a look at our recent projects or see selected examples on some of the thesis written in the group. Danish. Departments and faculties . For historical reasons, there are already more than 100 different secondary logos at AU, and it is quite costly to maintain so many different logos for such a wide variety of media types and platforms – compared with the primary logo, which has a built-in flexibility in that names of departments and institutes can be positioned underneath, and the logo can be generated automatically. For over 30 years we have done research in Secure Multiparty Computation. 8000 Aarhus, E-mail: Principles have been defined for coloured versions of the AU logo. Aarhus University logo in vector .SVG file format. Education. The Bachelor's programme in Cognitive Science (Aarhus University) The Bachelor's programme in Product and Design Psychology (Aalborg University) Other qualifications can provide admission to the Master’s degree programme, provided the university assesses that their level, extent and content correspond to the degrees mentioned above. Local staff information Staff portal for Natural Sciences. Find. Same logo with white text and transparent background With the logo generator you can easily make a file with the AU logo and MBG's name. Aarhus Universitet tilbyder et inspirerende uddannelses- og forskningsmiljø for 45.000 studerende og 11.500 medarbejdere, der sikrer resultater af høj international standard. CVR-nr: 31119103 EAN-numbers. Aarhus University will perform a so-called linear grade conversion, if no guideline conversion tables exist for a country, but the Ministry of Higher Education and Science has provided the lowest passing grade and the highest grade for the relevant country. Special circumstances include the use of older secondary logos (i.e. Aarhus University’s logo consists of a mark and a logotype. Aarhus University logo / Aarhus Universitets logo. Aarhus University logo / Aarhus Universitets logo. The secondary logo never appears on its own, but always together with the primary logo. This will therefore be used in some contexts, but as a rule, the name Aarhus BSS is used. For students; For PhDs; For employees; Departments and faculties; AU Library; Blackboard MYSTUDIES.AU.DK. For students; For PhDs; For employees; Departments and faculties; AU Library; Blackboard MYSTUDIES.AU.DK. programmes. You will find deadlines and requirements for all types of PhD positions, fellowships and scholarships on the individual graduate school websites: Find. AU particularly wants to promote the large interdisciplinary centres, which is in line with its interdisciplinary focus. Pages for all PhD students PhD-portals. Frederiksborgvej 399 P.O. The primary and secondary logos must not be positioned so close to together that they appear as a single logo, and the secondary logo must not be graphically dominant. The minimum distance is 12 pt around the entire logo when the logo size is 100%. The graduate schools at Aarhus University offer both predefined PhD projects and the option of applying with one’s own PhD project description through an open call. Education. Local staff information Staff portal - "Biosphere" Arctic Research Centre. Biological and chemical engineering are located at Aarhus University Campus. Privacy Policy, Occupational health and safety at Aarhus BSS. In the central administration, all units must use AU’s letterhead logo without placing the unit name underneath. For students; For PhDs; For employees; Departments and faculties; AU Library; Blackboard MYSTUDIES.AU.DK. Pages for staff members at AU MBG's "enhedsnummer" is 5400. Pages for all PhD students Pages for all PhD students PhD-portals. Download a package with the most common AU logos. For students; For PhDs; For employees; Departments and faculties; AU Library; Blackboard MYSTUDIES.AU.DK. The units at Arts will use variant 2b. Examples of how the name Aarhus BSS should be used Here are a few examples of how you may use Aarhus BSS in various contexts: For all external communication material, e.g. Top 5 science result in 2020: Signal molecules are the key to less use of fertilisers. PDF og EPS.pdf- og .eps logos are scalable vector-based files, suitable for use in professional layout programs such as Adobe InDesign, and when material is being used for print production (300dpi). The package is build as follows: The .png-file is used when setting up your email signature - read more about setting up your signautre for AU and Aarhus BSS. The logo is scaled up or down in size depending on the format of the individual medium. The minimum distance around the AU logo ensures that no elements appear too close to the logo. Faculties At Health and at Science and Technology, the deans have decided to use variant 2a. On 1 January 2012, Aarhus School of Engineering merged with Aarhus University and now brings together eight B.Eng. FGV – Fundação Getulio Vargas. Here you can read more about the system and find guidelines on how to download the Office templates. Employee portals. InDesign, the first variant may be presented in any of the colours from the colour palette. Employee portals. Employee portals. It is important to ensure that all partner logos are used in line with the partners' design guidelines. In April 2017, a new template system – Templafy – was introduced, which can be used by all AU employees. Aarhus University, Denmark is a top 100 university with award-winning research and 50+ Master’s and Bachelor’s programmes taught in English. Civil engineering, architectural engineering and mechanical engineering are located at Navitas at the port of Aarhus. The programmes are practically oriented, and include collaboration with the industry. The logotype is written in the AU Passata font and is placed under or to the right of the mark. Aarhus University (Danish: Aarhus Universitet, abbreviated AU) is the largest and second oldest research university in Denmark. Since its establishment in 1928, the University has rapidly developed into a leading public research university with nationwide and international clout across the entire research spectrum. The central administration In addition to the guidelines for design and naming at AU, the following applies to the central administration. Common pages for staff members at AU Find the local staff portal for your department or division. ACRE Logo Vector. In publications created in Word, the three variants are always presented in AU-blue, black or white. Local PhD portal Graduate School of Natural Sciences . The project involves close collaboration between researchers, dementia patients, their families and their care staff. AU logo with a main academic area as the sender. However, AU Library may decide to place the unit name underneath the letterhead logo (variant 2A). Find the local staff portal for your department or division. Aarhus University is a modern research-intensive university with more than 44,500 students. Aarhus University logo / Aarhus Universitets logo. The Aarhus University innFOOD Centre for Innovative Food Research warmly welcomes you to our 1st international conference. About ARC; News and Events; Research ; Field campaigns; Students, courses and projects; Publications; Info for employees & visitors; Contact; Arctic Research Centre. Find. The overall elements of the profiling strategy are: Aarhus BSS is the official short name to designate the school, and it should be used to the widest extent possible both internally and externally. For students; For PhDs; For employees; Local study portals Biomedical engineering Medicine Medicinal chemistry Molecular medicine Odontology Blackboard. Find the local staff portal for your department or division. 2021.01.05 | Research. The school’s official full name is still Aarhus University, School of Business and Social Sciences. Faculty of Natural Sciences. Aarhus University logo / Aarhus Universitets logo. Find the local staff portal for your department or division. Aarhus University logo / Aarhus Universitets logo The logo consists of two letters – A and U – from the fifth element, the abstract alphabet AU Peto. Secondary logos are generally positioned in the bottom right corner. Pages for all PhD students A jar with the remains of the skull of Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe is seen in Prague, November 16, 2010. All new secondary logos for particular centres are designed by AU Communication, which ensures that the secondary logos are graphically aligned with the primary logo and of the right quality. Aarhus University. Asset Value Investors Limited (AVI) Logo Vector . Please let us know. Professor/associate professor of business law/economics, etc. Then use the logo generator. Aarhus University Logo Vector available to download for free. In publications created in DTP programs, e.g. The City of Aarhus brand logo is an open source. Aarhus BSS will use a separate system for logos. Department of Engineering. Education. If in doubt about how to use partner logos or the AU logo in joint publications, please contact AU Communication. Aarhus University offers more than 50 English taught Master's programmes across Arts, Business & Social Sciences, Natural Sciences and Technical Sciences. Get the logo from the City of Aarhus brand logo generator. International admissions at AU. Aarhus University is part of a number of close partnerships where joint publications and websites require the use of multiple logos. Employee portals. Aarhus University and The Alexandra Institute are world leaders in this technology. Do a Graduate Diploma in Business Administration (HD) at Aarhus BSS, Aarhus University. Aarhus University logo / Aarhus Universitets logo Nordre Ringgade 1 Aarhus University logo / Aarhus Universitets logo. English at Aarhus University is one of the largest and most international departments within the Faculty of Arts, with researchers and lecturers from the UK, the USA, Canada, Ireland, India, the Czech Republic, Germany, Tanzania and, of course, Denmark. Skous Vej 4 8000 Aarhus C Find us on a map Read about our Engineering Degree Programmes for international students here. Local PhD portal Bioscience. For best results, the logo must be inserted in its original size (100%). BLUE / BLACK / WHITE (TRANSPARENT BACKGROUND). Campus Aarhus Nobelparken, building 1483 Jens Chr. Pages for all PhD students Recently, it has consolidated its position in the top 100 rankings of the most influential universities worldwide. PNGPNG logos are pixel-based and suitable for use in MS Office programs. The AU logo is generally defined in a single size (100%). Are you having trouble finding a specific template, or have you encountered an error? AU logo with a department/institute/centre/section as the sender. For students; For PhDs; For employees; Local Study portals Biology. Los Angeles, California, USA - 7 March 2020: Aarhus University website homepage logo visible on display close-up, Illustrative Editorial The LAMDA instrument inside the European Mars Simulation Wind Tunnel Facility, at Aarhus University. Local PhD portal Biology. Results published in Science from Aarhus University describe how legumes pick up special signalling molecules to distinguish between harmful and beneficial microbes. Aarhus University offers PhD programmes at one of our 4 graduate schools within a wide variety of fields. The names of the academic units at AU can be integrated into the AU logo which means that the mark, the logotype and the name of the unit can be presented together. Pages for all PhD students PhD-portals. Computer engineering, electronics, ICT and healthcare technologies are located at IT-Katrinebjerg in the northern part of Aarhus. Aarhus University logo / Aarhus Universitets logo. If this is the case, contact AU Communication. The name Aarhus BSS has been chosen on the basis that the school needs a short and recognisable name, which represents the school’s geographical location and is easier to remember, adopt and use than the long name “School of Business and Social Sciences”. The merger with Aarhus University in 2006 resulted in an even higher academic level and an increased focus on research and development. press releases issued by the school, Aarhus BSS must be mentioned in either the subheading or the first lines of the body text. The short name “Aarhus BSS” and the Aarhus BSS logo must be used on all platforms, channels, media, products and publications that represent the school, its departments, centres and all administrative units that relate to Aarhus BSS. These centres can therefore use the secondary logo, if desired. Danish. Find. Aarhus University logo / Aarhus Universitets logo For students Ownership of own website ensures that Aarhus BSS’ is able to promote the organisation and manage its own digital activities and services and thereby foster a clear correlation between the organisation and its core activities. Common pages for staff members at AU The primary logo has two variants, where the second has the possibility to add a department name or faculty name. Find. The mark and the logotype can not be separated. The Danish Accreditation Institution (ACE). Departments and faculties. 8000 Aarhus, E-mail: The logotype is written in the AU Passata font and is placed under or to the right of the mark. The practice has not changed for the central administration except for AU Library. Welcome to four new departments at AU Engineering. Tel: +45 8715 0000, © — For students; For PhDs; For employees; Local study portals Biology. Research. APADI – Associação Padroeira da Informação Logo Vector. Department of Environmental Science. Cookies at The Aarhus University School of Business and Social Sciences (in short Aarhus BSS) is one of four faculties of Aarhus University in Denmark.The school consists of seven departments: Economics and Business Economics, Management, Political Science, Law, Business Communication, Psychology and Behavioural Sciences and Department of Business Development and Technology (located in the city of … The interplay between the education and industry ensures that our engineering graduates are well equipped to transform scientific knowledge and engineering know-how into … Local staff information Biomedicine - Staff Portal. Aarhus University logo / Aarhus Universitets logo. Box 358 DK-4000 Roskilde. For students; For PhDs; For employees; Study portals Biology. The university belongs to the Coimbra Group, the Guild, and Utrecht Network of European universities and is a member of the European University Association. Researchers from Aarhus University, in partnership with VIVE, Aarhus Municipality and Business Academy Aarhus, have received a grant from VELUX FONDEN for a project they call LIVSTEGN (which means “sign of life” in Danish). aquitanis services Logo Vector. Danish. E-mail: Telephone: +45 8715 0000 Read more about the various colours here. Related Logos. Logo sizes for a variety of formats are listed below: As a general rule, all staff and units at Aarhus University use the primary logo (letterhead logo). Departments and faculties. The department was originally founded in 1995 as a result of a merger between the Engineering College of Western Jutland and the Central Jutland Business School. Name and logo on all platforms, channels and in all media and products that represent Aarhus BSS, including administrative units related to Aarhus BSS. Danish. Local PhD portal Graduate Programme: Biomedicine Graduate School of Health. Here, a distinction is made between three variants: Variants 2 and 3 may only be presented in AU-blue, black or white. Local staff information Staff portal - "Biosphere" Pages for staff members at AU Department of Bioscience . The four administrative centres follow the guidelines for the faculty in question. In very special circumstances, more advanced graphic elements may be needed, which requires the services of a professional graphic designer. Local staff portal Aarhus University logo / Aarhus Universitets logo. In this way, Aarhus BSS will continue to draw on AU’s reputation. Name and logo on all platforms, channels and in all media and products that represent Aarhus BSS, including administrative units related to Aarhus BSS. The general rule is that the AU logo should be positioned in the top left corner or the bottom left corner. At the same time, Sandbjerg Estate is in the process of becoming a subsidiary of the Aarhus University Research Foundation Group by early 2021. Nordre Ringgade 1 Study Engineering at Aarhus University - our innovative engineering programmes build on more than 100 years' experience in the field and will give your excellent career possibilities after graduation. ARC events. Original size ( 100 % ) and 3 may only be presented in any of the of. Science result in 2020: Signal molecules are the key to less use of older secondary (. Au logo with the primary logo has two variants, where the second has the possibility add! Of fertilisers Centre for Innovative Food Research warmly welcomes you to our 1st international conference the AU Passata font is! Of Business and Social Sciences, Natural Sciences and Technical Sciences look the! 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