We are firm believers in providing students with all the information possible to make the right choice when selecting a nursing school. National pass rate of NCLEX is 85% and the Illinois pass rate is 86%. Minnesota Associate Degree Nursing Programs 2016 – 2019 . The baccalaureate degree program in nursing, the master’s degree program in nursing, and the post-graduate APRN certificate programs at National University are accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, 655 K Street, NW, Suite 750, Washington, DC 20001, 202-887-6791. C = # of Candidates P = # Passed % = (P/C=%) Annual Pass Rate Percentage Other contributing factors weighted into this ranking include but not limited to: We understand there is much more in deciding which school best supports students on their path to becoming registered nurses, but providing this information for students can be another point to consider in choosing a school to attend. These results, well above the national average, were earned by the Fall 2019 bachelor’s degree graduates. Vanderbilt University School of Nursing Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) VUSN First Time Pass Rates by Specialty . The School of Nursing posted a 100% pass rate on the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) among first-time test takers in Spring 2020. View pass rates for all other Virginia colleges/universities (this will open as an Excel spreadsheet) Preparing for the NCLEX. TEXAS BOARD OF NURSING National Council Licensure Examination - RN (Registered Nurse) Pass Rates for Last 5 Years First-Time Test Takers (Passed/Overall Total) DIPLOMA PROGRAM 96.43% 135/140 99.30% 141/142 94.69% 107/113 90.70% 117/129 88.46% 115/130 Our recommendation would be to use our rankings in addition to other factors in helping find the right school. "We see nursing as a ministry, and we are dedicated to providing a Christ-centered learning environment where students understand the illumination of their work by their faith," Quiett said. The following data are the pass rates for a calendar year and represent the percentage of students that pass the exam the first time they take the test. Students benefit from small class sizes and faculty-led clinical groups with individualized attention. Our methodology began with obtaining NCLEX-RN exam pass rates for all RN programs (ADN, BSN, Direct-Entry MSN) state by state through several methods, including making a number of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. This is why we feel the NCLEX-RN pass rates are one of the best ways to determine a nursing program's student preparedness, and that is why we have chosen to rank them using this method. As of November 2019, graduates from the first four years of the LeTourneau University nursing program achieved a 100% pass rate on the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX). The NCLEX-RN exam is used by all state boards of nursing across the United States to help assess a student's competency and is required for licensure. ... Th e NCLEX-RN is a computer-adaptive test.8 A … Our excellent NCLEX pass rate, along with our accreditation through the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, are important indicators that our nursing faculty and our university are dedicated to graduating exceptional nurses. Arkansas State Board of Nursing NCLEX first time pass rates: FY 2020 - 95%; FY 2019 - 92.6%; FY 2018 -100%; FY 2017 - 100%; FY 2016 - 80%; Henderson State NCLEX first time pass rates: The … The NCLEX-RN … Note: Please email us for reports older than 3 years. Morgan State University nursing graduates posted a 100 percent first-time pass rate on the NCLEX-RN national licensure examination for fiscal year 2018, marking a first for the Nursing Program’s Bachelor of Science degree recipients and topping all other Maryland universities offering a four-year nursing degree. PLEASE NOTE: The contents of this website are for informational purposes only. With this in mind, we feel a great way to provide this transparency is through studying nursing programs and their students' performance on the NCLEX-RN exam. Students get more than 900 clinical hours, most of which are spent in health care environments with actual patients. These latest scores bring FSU's 2018 pass rate average to 97.9%. The Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program provides students with essential knowledge and skills based on a foundation in the liberal arts and sciences. They also offer a program designed for physicians who have graduated from a medical college in another country who are now seeking a nursing license in the US. "Our clinical affiliations with dozens of local healthcare facilities and organizations allow us to offer a superior clinical nursing experience," Quiett said. When combined, there are 353 nursing education programs in Florida of which very nearly half (49%) achieved an average passage rate on the NCLEX more than 10% below the national average. Board Approved prelicensure nursing programs and their locations In Massachusetts For information on the approval status of all Board approved nursing programs, see our table of Approved Registered Nurse and Practical Nurse Programs 09/09/2020 | (DOC) Twenty-five WP nursing students who graduated in January 2019 earned a 100 percent pass rate on the 2019 National Council Licensure Exam (NCLEX), exceeding the 2019 year-to-date national average of 89.5 percent. We requested the previous 5 years of information that is available. Met or Exceeded Nat'l Average 37% (N=130) Pass rates of graduates on the NCLEX are generally regarded as the most important measure of nursing program quality. 2100 S. Mobberly AveLongview, TX 75602 Campus Map903-233-3000 / 1-800-759-8811. Pass Rates; NCLEX-RN Pass Rates - First Time CA Educated Exam Testers. American Academy of Nursing president-elect … All trademarks are the property of their respective trademark holders. Graduates of the Henderson State University Nursing Department have a 100% employment rate within three months or less for the past five years. The pass rate posted by La Salle’s nursing students exceeded the national average (87.53 percent) for this same cycle, according to the National Council of State Board of Nursing. 1 st Quarter. NCLEX Pass Rates reported for 2013-2016 were calculated using data of first time testers who tested within one year of program completion. Florida National University-Hialeah: 24: 514: Hialeah: Florida National University is located in Hialeah, Florida. NCLEX Pass Rates. Many state boards of nursing use the total overall NCLEX-RN pass rates for a school as one of the main ways to approve a school's ability to provide a nursing education in the state. The NCLEX Pass Rate sheets below provide data on performance on the NCLEX-RN and NCLEX-PN examinations for multiple categories of candidates. NCLEX-RN pass rates were analyzed going back to the most recent years of data available up to 5 years, each state may have varying years, see the data table below for each state's year range analysis. Minnesota Associate Degree Nursing Programs ... National American University* 21 57.14 9 55.56 Welcome to our 4th Annual RN Program Rankings - 2020 Edition! Interested in pursuing a nursing degree? Bradley University offers undergraduate students the opportunity to earn a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN). National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) - RN Program Reports Year. Consistent with last three years, members of the 2020 Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) graduating class have passed the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN) on their first attempt, achieving a 90% pass rate. 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 American School of Nursing & Medical Careers (formerly Salter & NESPN) The BSN program is regulated by the Virginia Board of Nursing to operate as a nurse education program. Rule 4723-5-23, OAC, also establishes a benchmark of 95% of the national of the national average as the pass rate for Ohio. "It tells a lot about the quality of a nursing program and how well students are prepared for nursing. This marked the fourth consecutive testing cycle in which La Salle’s undergraduate nursing students achieved a first-time pass rate that exceeded 90 percent. The calculation we used here takes into account a school's NCLEX pass rate and the net price of attendance … BSN Graduates Achieve 95.47% NCLEX-RN Exam First-time Pass Rate October 15, 2020 The Duquesne University School of Nursing graduating class of 2020 achieved a 95.47% first-time pass rate on the National Council Licensure Examination-Registered Nurse (NCLEX-RN). The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) is a not-for-profit organization whose purpose is to provide an organization through which boards of nursing act and counsel together on matters of common interest and concern affecting the public health, safety and welfare, including the development of licensing examinations in nursing. This year, we evaluated 63 schools NCLEX pass rates and net prices, and our ranking system identified the following schools as the best value schools. Board approved nursing programs, statistics, and first time pass rates on NCLEX-RN and NCLEX-PN. According to the NC Board of Nursing website, the 2017 national pass rate for bachelor's degree students is 90% and 93% for North Carolina graduates. We requested the previous 5 years of information that is available. 2 nd Quarter. The calculation we used here takes into account a school's NCLEX pass rate and the net price of attendance … Programs that have closed or will be closing at the time of data collecting 2. 2020 NCLEX Pass Rates Summary data for multiple categories of candidates, U.S. and international, is provided for performance on NCSBN's two nurse licensure examinations, the NCLEX-PN and NCLEX-RN. University of Nebraska Medical Center 308 270 87.66% 299 264 88.29% 288 266 92.36% 304 290 95.39% 321 307 95.64% Percentages shown in red font are below the National Average All pass rates are for first-time candidates taking the NCLEX registered nursing (RN) exam. *Click on year to view Official Summary of Results. Much of our main state ranking methodology above was used in coordination with the Online LPN to RN ranking. For further information on NCLEX Testing please visit the National Council of State Boards of Nursing website. Experienced professors support and encourage our students to be their very best and succeed in all that they do. According to the National Council of State Boards of Nursing, the most current national average pass rate is 89%. LETU's on-campus lab facilities incorporate modern simulation equipment and simulated scenarios like they would encounter in a hospital or clinic. Annual Pass Rates. Prospective; Admitted; Current ; ... National Council on Licensure Exam (NCLEX-RN) First Time Pass RatINGS. NCLEX (National Council Licensure Examination) ... NCLEX-RN® First-time Pass Rates. This is a national exam taken by graduates of nursing programs. The information is provided below. Distribution of Florida Nursing Programs in 2017 that had NCLEX Passage Rates 10% or More below the National Average . Toggle navigation . Why Henderson Nursing? Report for 2019 NCLEX® First-Time Success Rates . Both buildings are equipped with wireless access to the University’s secure network. Programs with no pass rate data availabl… First-attempt pass rates by location of nursing education 11 ... • Th e national fi rst-attempt pass rate for Canadian-educated exam writers continued to trend upwards, reaching 82.1% in 2017, compared to 79.9% in 2016. Schools pass rates were averaged together and weighted by the recency of the exam, for example, exam pass rates in 2018 count more towards overall rankings than scores from 2014. & Technical College Ashland ADN 92% 37 79% 28 88% 33 67% 43 73% 60 Menu. The first graduating class was 2016. New Jersey Board of Nursing. Our methodology began with obtaining NCLEX-RN exam pass rates for all RN programs (ADN, BSN, Direct-Entry MSN) state by state through several methods, including making a number of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. Once this data was obtained, we filtered out the programs with the following characteristics: Once non-qualifying programs had been filtered, the ranking process began: The table below lists information by state, including the years of NCLEX-RN pass rate data analyzed, the number of schools in each state, and the number of top-ranked programs. Post-Master’s Certificate Nurse Practitioner, Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN), 2020 Top Paramedic to RN Program Rankings, Programs that have closed or will be closing at the time of data collecting, Programs with no pass rate data available for the previous 1 or 2 years, depending on the state and number of years of data available, Programs with only one year of pass rates. As of November 2019, graduates from the first four years of the LeTourneau University nursing program achieved a 100% pass rate on the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX). NCLEX Pass Rates - One step to becoming a licensed nurse is to pass the National Council Licensing Exam (NCLEX). 2011-2019 Statewide NCLEX Results; Quarterly Registered Nursing (RN) Pass Rates. Number and First-time Success Rate of . Copyright © 2020 LeTourneau University, All rights reserved. 4 … RN 2019# of Candidates Pass Rate LPN 2019# of Candidates Pass Rate National 171,374 % 88 National 48,228 % 86 State 7,295 % 88 State 1,406 % 89 Numbers derived from candidates who graduated and took the NCLEX exam between January 1st and December 31st. If a program has an NCLEX pass rate that is less than 95% for first-time candidates, who took the NCLEX within six months of completion of … This year, we evaluated 107 schools NCLEX pass rates and net prices, and our ranking system identified the following schools as the best value schools. Private For-Profit Detailed information about preparing for and taking the NCLEX is available in the student handbook. The weighting cofactor values table used: Further educational pathways and partnerships. Kentucky Board of Nursing NCLEX Pass Rates Type Pass # Pass # Pass # Pass # Pass # City Program Rate Tested Rate Tested Rate Tested Rate Tested Rate Tested American National University Pikeville ADN 94% 17 71% 7 100% 9 78% 9 82% 17 Ashland Cmty. Find the program that's right for you! RegisteredNursing.org does not guarantee the accuracy or results of any of this information. Studies indicate the U.S. will need 21% more nurses through 2025. NCLEX Regulations. William Paterson University of New Jersey. LETU offers a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), which is a four-year residential program where students work side-by-side with faculty and professional nurses to learn and maximize clinical experience. Enrollment in the nursing program has remained strong or increased each year. They offer a BSN program and an RN to BSN program. "A lot of people choose a nursing program based on the pass rate of the NCLEX," said LETU Dean of the School of Nursing Dr. Kimberly Quiett, who began the nursing program at LETU 2014. 2017 2018 NCLEX pass rates are monitored by the Texas State Board of Nursing and are viewed as a measure of how well nurses are prepared to provide safe, quality care for health care consumers. Each year, the Board reviews the NCLEX pass rates of nursing education programs to determine the number and percentage of first time candidates who pass. LETU's first graduating class in May of 2016 had only two graduates, followed by 16 graduates completing their BSN degrees in May 2017. STUDENTS. Pass Rates are the percentage of program graduates who passed the NCLEX upon the first attempt. "We focus on providing a high quality, hands-on learning environment.". 2018: 92%: 2017: 91.6%: 2016: 87.5%: Academic Programs and Curricula. Once this data was obtained, we filtered out the programs with the following characteristics: 1. ... * National and state nursing organization presidents and past-presidents on faculty. 3 rd Quarter. Creighton BSN graduates meet or exceed the national average for first-time pass rates on the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN) Annual pass rates on the certification examination for nurse practitioner-track graduates generally range from 90 to 100 percent for first-time test-taker Please send comments, questions, or corrections to us via our contact form. 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