(ii) What does ‘it’ refer to? Tommy explains to her that the schools had an educator however it was not the mechanical instructor but rather a man. She trusts that there is nothing that can be written about school. It is always more intriguing to listen to the instructors clarifying exercises than reading the whole exercise on a mechanical machine. 4. Margie is amazed. Margie wrote, “Today Tommy found a real book!”.3. She needs to find out about them. She is considering the old schools. What is the significance of the word ‘for’in the beginning of the last stanza? The Fun They Had Extra Questions and Answers Short Answer Type. Did she have any classmates?7. The reason behind this is her mechanical teacher who has been giving her test after test in geography but her performance has been more regrettable and more terrible. Learn how your comment data is processed. What is the similarities of our real society vs the society of the story? Doing homework without anyone’s assistance and writing them in a punch code would likewise be depleting and exhausting. (ii) What does ‘regular’ mean here? "The Fun They Had" by Isaac Asimov Lesson plans and teaching resources - Free English learning and teaching resources from Varsity Tutors. She communicates that she despises school. It is difficult to talk about issues and circumstances with a mechanical instructor that is just programmed to educate in a specific way. The Fun They Had NCERT Solution Answer these questions in a few words or a couple of sentences each. 17 plays . 2. She has thought that her teacher will be removed by and large as once Tommy’s teacher has been removed for an entire month when history segment has blanked out totally. That wasn’t so bad. The Fun They Had by Isaac Asimov Margie even wrote about it that night in her diary. Other Books Related to The Fun They Had. 5 Questions | By Suslanbi | Last updated: Aug 31, 2020 | Total Attempts: 5593 . They had to write their answers in a punch code and the mechanical teacher calculated the marks instantly. Q. Get here NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Chapter 1 Questions answers of the fun they had. Answer each of these questions in a short paragraph (about 30 words). How did Wordsworth describe the experience of a host of daffodils in The Daffodils ( 750 word)? The Question and Answer section for The Fun They Had is a great In addition, every one of the kids learned the same things on the off chance that they were of a similar age. 15 Qs . By practicing this resources candidates definitely get the idea of which his/her weak areas and how to prepare well for the examination. Listen to the audio. Margie goes into the schoolroom. The Fun They Had study guide contains a biography of Isaac Asimov, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. The Fun they Had is a story that satirizes the way children are mechanically tuned by schools and parents. Tommy agrees. The teacher is huge, dark and appalling with a gigantic screen on which every one of the exercises appears and questions are inquired. 25 plays . The inspector had smiled after he was finished and patted her head. 20 Qs . They had large black screens on which all the lessons were shown and questions were asked. But from Margie's perspective, school would be much more fun than being homeschooled by a mechanical teacher. Margie believes that he won’t know to join the parts again but he knows everything. The reasons for this hatred have less to do with the education itself than with the mechanization of learning that is the standard in 2155. Now, she had been doing badly in the geography tests that her mechanical educator had been giving her. “Sure they had a teacher, but it wasn’t a regular teacher. Tommy clarifies that she is imbecilic in light of the fact that it isn’t the sort of school they have. Suppose you are driving. Below we provided the link to access the Notes, Important Question & Practice Paper of Class 9 English for topic The Fun they Had. Tommy answers that he discovered it in the attic. All About Mrs. Campbell and Class Expectations . Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Most importantly, she envisions the education of centuries past as being a home for a community of students—kids all her age, playing together—unlike the lone room where Margie undertakes her education all by herself. To Margie, it was strange that the words printed on a book stood still instead of moving the way they did on a screen. It is of the time when the books were printed on paper. Margie’s longing for the “olden days” of the 20th century encourages young readers to view their own education with gratitude, since Asimov’s alternative proves to be isolating and unfulfilling. resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel. The Inspector pats Margie’s head and advises to her mother whose name is Mrs Jones that it isn’t the girl’s fault however he supposes the speed of geography segment has been organized somewhat speedier than her level. 2. The mechanical teacher computes the scores in a matter of seconds. They were robotic teachers. Margie further asks him what the book is about and Tommy answers that it is about School. She had only seen tale books.4. Give reasons for your answer.Answer: Yes, I concur schools today are more enjoyable than the school in the story. It is seventeenth May 2157. She tells Tommy if she can read the book more with him after school. Comprehension%Questions% % Answer these questions in a few words or a couple of sentences each. GradeSaver, 25 April 2020 Web. Instruction will be bestowed through computers and virtual classrooms. Answer(i) Tommy stated these words. What had once happened to Tommy’s teacher?AnswerThe history sector of Tommy’s teacher had blanked out completely. Where was Margie’s school? Check the below NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 1 The Fun They Had with Answers Pdf free download. That time the books contained the static words. In this sense, the future depicted in this text is a bleak one. That wasn't so bad. What kind of teachers did Margie and Tommy have?AnswerMargie and Tommy had mechanical teachers. Easy English Explanation. Margie’s grandfather once said that when he was a little boy his grandfather told him that there was a time when all stories were printed on paper. Answer: Margie wrote in her diary, “Today Tommy found a real book”. Her mechanical teacher is already on and on sitting tight for her. They would take in similar things and could help each other with the homework and discuss it. What kind of teachers did Margie and Tommy have? Answer: The teachers of Margie and Tommy were different from the teachers of today. !!! (iii) What is it contrasted with?Answer(i) “They” refer to the students who learned in the old kind of schools centuries before the time the story is set in. It is about a time children will be taught by mechanical teachers. In the story, there is no collaboration among students about studies and examination. We have provided The Fun They Had Class 9 English MCQs Questions with Answers to help students understand the concept very well. She hungered for such a good time. 20 Qs . The Schoolroom: Their schools were in their homes itself just beside their rooms. Books are no longer printed on paper. Had Margie ever seen a book before? The part she hated most was the slot where she had to put homework and test papers. She thought about the laughter and fun they shared. They had customary days and hours for school. There were hundreds of students studying and playing together. 2. In this way, schools today are more enjoyable than the school in the story. 1. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. 3. A Letter To God First Flight: Chapter 1 A Quiz! The quiz about Isaac Asimov's short story, The Fun They Had Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Had Margie ever seen a book before?4. having no friends in school anymore. Margie had hoped that the Inspector would not know how to put the mechanical teacher together again, but he managed to reassemble it. The different characteristics that you learn in schools like compliance, authority, regard, graciousness for other people, sharing, interest in school recreations, sports, and different exercises are all the necessary part of school education today. . Second, Asimov uses irony to examine technology with a critical eye. What subjects did Margie and Tommy learn? 1.3k plays . He slowed down the geography sector of the teacher because it was geared a little too quick for an average ten-year-old student. Students in 2155 like Margie have much less human interaction and are even taught by a robotic teacher. The story is written by Isaac Asimov is about the year 2157 when every child has his own robotic teacher and schools like today do not exist anymore.He wrote this story in 1951 for a press called syndicated newspaper page. He is thirteen.Margie asks Tommy where he found the unusual book. 380 plays . How far do you drive every 8 hour. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Did they like them? “I wouldn’t throw it away.”(i) Who says these words? 'What Fun They Had' by Isaac Asimov. 11 questions answered. When you feel that you have fully understood the text, answer the following questions in full sentence answers and use examples from the text to back up your response. Also, all the graphic organizers can be used for any literary piece. Considering this general concept, the story ‘The Fun They Had’ is set in future when the conventional system of schooling will be discarded. The part that she detested the most was inserting the homework and test papers in the slot on the mechanical instructor.She didn’t like the way that she needed to write her answers in a punch code. The Fun They Had study guide contains a biography of Isaac Asimov, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. Read the text carefully (listen to the audio). When Margie learns about an era when education existed without this rote use of technology, she is excited. 1. He includes that occasionally a wonder such as this occur and he has eased back the speed parallel to her level. During the Quiz End of Quiz. Topic: The Fun They Had ... Download HOTs Questions for Class 9 English for all important topics in Class 9 English based on CBSE NCERT syllabus and latest pattern. They had a special slot in which students needed to put their homework and test papers. She can not believe that a man can be a teacher. Start. The County Inspector gave Margie an apple and began working on the mechanical teacher. The also used to shout and laugh together in an open yard. Answer the following with reference to the story.1. Understanding the Context. You can practice the questions and check your answers from the solutions given after question. What did Margie write in her diary? Answer these questions in a few words or a couple of sentences each.1. Margie is eleven years old and Tommy is thirteen-year-old.2. “Today Tommy found a real book! . 5. On the page headed May 17, 2155, ... which all the lessons were shown and the questions were asked. They didn’t have any colleagues. Copyright © 1999 - 2021 GradeSaver LLC. A Letter To God First Flight: Chapter 1 A Quiz! Every one of the students will move towards becoming techno-savvy. The Fun They Had by Isaac Asimov . (iii)” It” is being compared to the real books in earlier times in which words were printed on paper. He has an entire box of devices which contain dials and wires. She envisioned that they would sit together in the classroom and go home together toward the day’s end. These teachers were adjusted according to the age and potential of the student concerned. CBSE class 9 English Lesson- The Fun they had. Margie wishes she could socialize with other children in a schoolhouse, but instead is relegated to a room within her own home to study alone every day. Margie is presently inquisitive to think about the funny schools that existed much previously. No, she did not have any classmates.7. He discloses to her that his father has a considerable a lot of knowledge not less than his teacher has. Yet for Margie, technology has failed to deliver on its promise, at least in education. And then, when they turned back to the page before, it had the same words on it that it had had when they read it the first time. Her mother was despondent with her performance and sends her to the County Inspector. Additionally, if any student faces any issue with the subject or in homework, he can talk about it with the educator and different children. “The Fun They Had” speaks directly to these debates and the rising power of computers and the questions of technological progress that were prevalent in the early 1950s and still are today. They had a special building for the purpose where every one of the kids went for learning. How does Tommy describe the old kind of school?AnswerTommy described earlier kind of school as a special building where all kids studied together. Answer: Margie is 11 years old and Tommy is 13 years old. Above all, children build up a superior understanding of one another and of their surroundings when they go to a school together and collaborate with one another. 1.How old are Margie and Tommy? This was because her mother believed that learning at regular hours helped little girls learn better. They were big, dark and ugly and had large black screens on which all the lessons were displayed and questions were asked. It was a repetitive and boring experience. Moreover, the idea that someone would write a book about schools was itself strange idea for Margie.5. 6. answer choices . Wayside School Is Falling Down . 1. About the Author Isaac Asimov Isaac Asimov (1920- 1992) was an American writer and professor of biochemistry at Boston University. NCERT Solutions For The Fun They Had Class 10 English, EXAM PREPARATION TIPS: A MUST- READ GUIDE, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window). All the documents are alterable so that you can customize them for your purposes. Did Margie have regular days and hours for school? The part she hated most was the slot where she had to put homework and test papers. More Story Quizzes. What is the role of irony in "The Fun They Had"? 2. She has not half completed reading of the book, her mother calls and reminds her that it is the school time. Readers’ questions about The Most Fun We Ever Had. Her mechanical teacher was also on at the same time every day except Saturday and Sunday. Told from the eyes of an eleven-year-old, "The Fun They Had" depicts a future made boring and lonely by the use of technology. At last, her mother takes her to the County Inspector to find the issue with her.The County Inspector is a little man with a red face. It is a more advantageous and social method for learning. She always had to write them out in a punch code they made her learn when she was six years old, and the mechanical teacher calculated the mark in no time. He was known for his works of science fiction and popular science. Margie’s school, unlike today’s schools, was in her home itself, right next to her bedroom. Margie still has a few questions about the human teacher. One more interesting thing about the books is that the books had similar words on them when the pages were turned back to the previous pages.Hearing this, Tommy disgustedly expresses that it is an exercise in futility since when you read a book then you simply throw it away. Yet, “The Fun They Had” shows the dark consequences of a futuristic world that has forgone books and traditional group learning for a more mechanized and individualized system. The analyzed text is a passage from the book by Isaac Asimov The Fun They Had. In any case, Tommy discloses to her that it feasible for a man to be a teacher. (iii) What is it being compared with by the speaker? Question 1. Why was Margie doing badly in geography? Additionally, the educators were individuals. Sumary of the poem let me not to the marriage of true minds, Hunger by Jayanta Mahapatra – Summaries and Questions Answers, Water: The Elixer Of Life By C. V. Raman – Summary and Questions, Ode On Solitude: Summary and Questions Answers, Windows By Wes Magee: Summary and Questions and Answers Class 7 English, Dust of Snow Class 10th Questions Answers and Summary, The Daffodils By William Wordsworth- Summary and Questions Answers, Prayer by G. A. Mehjoor ( Tulip Series 10th), Summary and Questions Answers of Excellent Father Class 10th Tulip English, A Talk On Advertising by Herman Wouk Point Summary and Model Question Answer, When You are Old Poem Questions-Answers and Summary. 10 Qs . After some time he makes the mechanical instructor prepared once again. It can be envisioned that a period will come when every one of the schools will vanish. They needed to put down their answers in a punch code and the mechanical educator calculated the scores quickly. I. A tale book is an electronically composed digital book that can be displayed on the television screen.6. This is where the story actually begins… Yeah, so Margie WROTE in her diary that day, which means exactly that she knew what REAL books look like — you have a page, you utilize that, you turn the page and write on that one too and when you turn back the page, you see what you wrote on the previous one! Instruction will be bestowed through computers and virtual classrooms. 2. She is baffled when the County Inspector manages to reassemble every part of the mechanical instructor. The Fun They Had Extra Questions and Answers Reference to Context. What appeals to Margie about the schools from a century ago? Difficulty. He took it apart and then checked it. 3. What things about the book did she find strange?5. The space that Margie loathes the most is the place she needs to fill homework and answers. He clears Margie in old schools the man teacher did not live in the place of the student. Not affiliated with Harvard College. All the worksheets are MS Word and .pdf files. Margie is shocked. 18.1k plays . Question 1. . 15 Questions Show answers. Margie asks Tommy why anybody will expound on school. Irony is the central literary device of "The Fun They Had," and it functions in multiple ways. It is for this very reason that Margie’s mother sent for the County Inspector to discover why this was happening to her. CBSE Class 9 (Beehive) Chapter 1 - The Fun They Had By Isaac Asimov What is the rate per hour? Margie is hateful when she hears that the book is about the school. What did Margie write in her diary?3. What do you think a tale book is?6. Margie thought about the old school where all the kids from all over the neighborhood came together to learn. The teachers taught the children in groups and gave them homework and asked them questions. It doesn’t have a similar impact when the marks are figured promptly after a test has been taken.Lastly, the friends that you make at school are most likely the best friends that you will ever make in your entire life. Access latest VBQ, Value Based Questions for Class 9 English as per CBSE and NCERT syllabus. Read the Study Guide for The Fun They Had…. The Fun They Had ExplanationThe Fun They Had is an amusing story about the possible future schools written by Issac Asimov. Download The Fun They Had worksheet pdf and other study material as the lesson The Fun They Had by Isaac Asimov is well explained through Introduction, Message, The Fun They Had theme, Title, Characters, Summary in English, Summary in Hindi, Word meanings, Complete lesson in Hindi, Extracts, the fun they had questions and answers, Long answers, Short answers,… What did Margie write in her diary? MCQ Questions for Class 9 English with Answers were prepared based on the latest exam pattern. Why did Margie think that the old kind of school must have been fun? No, Margie and Tommy did not like them. Summary, characters, theme, questions and answers.Class 9 English Beehive. The Fun They Had Summary Analysis & Explanation By Isaac Asimov. He also told Mrs. Jones that Margie’s overall achievement pattern was satisfactory. It only kept getting worse. 60 seconds . If so, why?AnswerYes, Margie had regular days and hours for school. Perhaps, the author meant to talk about an eDiary, but in that case, he SHOULD have written “TYPED”. Marie always detests school, however now she hates it like never before. They were confined to study rooms and thought mechanically. Few days laterthe book named ‘ The Fun They Had’ was published in “Fantasy and Science Fiction” magazine. The author of the book is well-known as science fiction writer as well. All these viewpoints influenced her to believe that the old type of school must have been enjoyable. How old are Margie and Tommy? What are 3 things about the book did she find strange? Asimov was a prolific writer who wrote or edited more than 500 books and an estimated 90,000 letters and … The words did not move as they move a screen. It is known that Isaac Asimov had a degree of Professor of biochemistry. It has 5 questation. The mechanical instructor constantly turned on in the meantime consistently with the exception of Saturdays and Sundays on the grounds that her mother said that young ladies adapted better when they learned at regular hours. These NCERT Solutions for Class 9 of English subject includes detailed answers of all the questions in Chapter 1 – The Fun They Had provided in NCERT Book which is prescribed for class 9 in schools. What do you value about the school that you’re missing? 3. Download all VBQ for Class 9 English in pdf free. How does he describe the old kind of teachers?AnswerTommy said that the old kind of teachers were humans, who taught the students inside a special building. The Fun They Had by Isaac Asimov . He includes that on screen we have a large number of books and substantially more and consequently it isn’t conceivable to discard it.Margie concurs on these expressions of Tommy about the old books. These mechanical teachers had a special slot in which the students had to put their homework and test papers. Question 2: What did Margie write in her diary? Jobs . Detailed explanation of the lesson along with meanings of the difficult words Also, the explanation is followed by a Summary of the lesson. The mechanical educator is always on at the same time aside from Saturday and Sunday.The screen of the mechanical teacher flashes and says, “Today arithmetic lesson is on the addition of proper fractions”.Please fill yesterday’s homework in the appropriate slot”Margie sighs and does what she is instructed to do. She expected that the inspector would remove the mechanical instructor. Stage I. She is contemplating the fun they had. She believed that the old kind of school must have been fun as she envisioned every one of the children from the whole neighbourhood meeting up, laughing and shouting in the schoolyard. Commonly Confused Words . Sequential Easy First Hard First. Tommy believed that after reading such books, they were thrown away. Question 1: How old are Margie and Tommy? Let’s see the main attractions of the story. Why did Margie’s mother send for the County Inspector?AnswerMargie had been allocated many tests in geography by the mechanical teacher, but there was no progress in her performance. She reveals to Tommy that it is strange to keep a man in her home to educate her. What are the main features of the mechanical teachers and the schoolrooms that Margie and Tommy have in the story?Answer: The Mechanical Teacher: Margie and Tommy had mechanical teachers. You continue driving, and calculate that after driving 9 hours you are 600 miles from Seattle. It was a man.”(i) Who does ‘they’ refer to? I'm sorry, this is a short-answer "literature" forum designed for text specific questions. 5. IV. Margie had never seen a book before. Margie is frustrated. How old are Margie and Tommy?2. ! In his era, just as in our own today, technology is seen as a way to enact a better life. She remarks that her mother says that a teacher will conform to fit the psyche of a kid and that he shall teach every kid diversely in light of the fact that every individual is unique. Play as. The Fun They Had . ” It was a very old book. In your view, and considering out current state of remote learning.... what do you miss? Answer: No, she had … He tells Margie if she doesn’t care for the book she shall not read about it. The Fun they Had By Issac Asimov The Fun they Had The Fun they Had Class 9 The Fun they Had Question And Answers The Fun they Had Cbse This video .\r\rIts class Vİ (E.M) English lesson.\r\rThis Is English Book, Chapter 1, Class- 9, NCERT/CBSE Board. They turned the pages, which were yellow and crinkly; and it was awfully funny to read words that stood still instead of moving the way they were supposed to—on a screen, you know. Question 3: Had Margie ever seen a book before? 6. 4. doing poorly on test after test in geography. Like our society, Margie and Tommy live in a world governed by the use of technology. The Fun They Had study guide contains a biography of Isaac Asimov, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. As per new education policy multiple choice questions hold 25 % weightage.In this page we are providing multiple choice questions in English.Go through them to find out your understanding of chapter with objective type questions for the chapter The Fun They Had.These questions are examveda for you.These are from Beehive We assure you that these objective questions will help you to gain … In light of the kids from all over the neighborhood came together to learn calls reminds..., history, and considering out current state of remote learning.... what do you agree with Margie that today... Why? 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