David Raths. 30, No. On the other side, fuzzy-sets -an approach originated in the comparative case studies, while they can mid-1960s— in bridging the gap-line examine just a few cases, are case-ori- between quantitative and qualitative ented, sensitive to complexity and his- methods. Qualitative Comparative Analysis: An Innovative Approach for Unravelling Causal Complexity in Education Research Laura Perry Murdoch University Perth, Western Australia l.perry@murdoch.edu.au Presented at the Institute for Research and Development of Education Faculty of Education, Charles University September 21, 2017 This study adopts a comparative case study method to contrast and analyze the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) and Citibank. Yin (2004) has described case study methodology as a distinctive means of empirical enquiry particularly Blau and Meyer (1971) contrast the comparative and case study methods for examining organizations. In the first case study the research team worked within a Primary Care Trust in … ERIC is an online library of education research and information, sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) of the U.S. Department of Education. Case study approach of comparative public administration for analysis essay writing for hire October 28, 2020 business plan writer saskatoon If you could increase customer loyalty, so a companys operating profit operating margin has I am prove student access to something dialogu most humans have the most popular of all of the system. I. Sampling. This paper proposes an “electric vehicle” mode for Posted in Innovation ecosystems, Innovation Strategies This case study represents a conclusive comparative analysis of a series of five Place-Based Innovation Ecosystem cases and aims at extracting policy relevant conclusions about the orchestrators and other systemically important actors and elements of these systems. Offsite Innovation: a comparative case study. QCA has been characterized as an innovative methodological approach that is well suited for concept formation, the creation of typologies, and causal analysis, particularly when there is reason to believe that alternative factors can produce the same outcome, single conditions do not display their effect on their own but only in combination with other conditions, or there are different causal explanations for … Objectives To understand organisational technology adoption (initiation, adoption decision, implementation) by looking at the different types of innovation knowledge used during this process. Developed in response to the inadequacy of traditional case study approaches, comparative case studies are highly effective because of their ability to synthesize information across time and space. Because a random sampling approach is not recommended for multiple case study designs [21, 23], we elected to use a snowball sampling strategy to identify unique and cross-cutting implementation themes across heterogeneous case examples [].The core research team convened over several virtual meetings to explore a network of integrated care implementation experts … Technology Analysis & Strategic Management: Vol. Hence the study was planned to provide a descriptive picture of classroom processes and interactions in diverse school/community contexts in the form of comparative case studies. The objective of comparative analysis is to study two or more organizations and try to explain their differences. A Comparative Case Study Approach In order to facilitate the extraction of data that would most satisfactorily addresses my research question, I chose to use a comparative case study approach. Both of these case studies used a more innovative approach than is suggested by Crabtree and Miller (1999) and King (2004) but still remain within the accepted Template Analysis framework. Abstract-This exploratory study identifies factors that influence the adoption and diffusion of intranet technology. studies. Comparative case studies are an effective qualitative tool for researching the impact of policy and practice in various fields of social research, including education. Often, the motivation behind case stud-ies is to detect the effects of an event or policy intervention on some outcome of interest by … This contribution shows that for comparative VET research, which deals with learning and teaching practices, an ethnographic approach is a promising approach and that the CCS approach is a helpful analytical framework for systematising empirical results of comparative studies. Understanding the disruptive business model innovation of E-business microcredit: a comparative case study in China. innovative, demand responsive public transit modes as complements to BRT systems in lower demand corridors. Comparative case studies are an effective qualitative tool for researching the impact of policy and practice in various fields of social research, including education. Vaccine Safety Datalink Relies on EHR Data From Integrated Health Systems. BUSINESS MODEL INNOVATION IN AUSTRIAN & GERMAN DIRECT RETAIL BANKING: A comparative case study approach Submitted by: Lorenz Knauseder Matriculation Number: 1610734008 Cohort: BFC2016 Supervisor: Dr. Johannes Asel LL.B. case studies in comparative politics Nov 16, 2020 Posted By Dan Brown Publishing TEXT ID d36b0a56 Online PDF Ebook Epub Library kingdom the united states france germany japan russia china to read debuting in its first edition and written by a new generation of area studies experts case studies in "The Comparative Law methodology and IE University’s practical case studies have helped me to develop a decisive and creative approach to problem solving from day one. In her MCP thesis, "Tiny House Villages for the Homeless: A Comparative Case Study," Cate Mingoya (MCP 2015) explored an innovative approach to addressing homelessness: Tiny homes, no larger than a parallel parking spot, are an emerging trend in housing for those uninterested, unwilling or unable to participate in traditional housing markets. A comparative case study approach was used to study and understand the CSIPs. Coalition Seeks to Accelerate Digital Access to Vaccination Records. Jan 9th, 2021. Case study methods have considerable comparative advantages relative to statistical methods or formal models (Goodrick, 2014). 7, … Design Qualitative, multisite, comparative case study design. (WU), MIM (CEMS) Awarding body: Lauder Business School Hofzeile 18-20 1190 Wien Austria Vienna, 23.07.2018 The nature of comparative case studies may be explored from the intersection of comparative and case study approaches. Innovative offsite methods of construction used in the rail and road sectors are often restricted by approval authorities. In addition, we shall argue in Section 2.2. that one can distinguish in comparative politics a ‘core subject’ that enables us to study the relationship between ‘politics and society’ in a CONTENTS 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Comparative Research and case selection Learning Health System/Research. The present study is undertaken with the purpose of establishing benchmark on the classroom process in different contexts of primary education in Kerala. In Rethinking Case Study Research: A Comparative Approach , the authors describe, explain, and illustrate the horizontal, vertical, and transversal axes of comparative case studies in order to help readers develop their own comparative case study research designs. Since SAP provides significant flexibility in the evaluation and award of commercial contracts, we tailored an innovative multi-step approach that used Case Studies, a short Written Technical Solution, an in-person technical demonstration, and a final PWS negotiation round with the apparent winner to transition from a Statement of Objective (SOO) (used in the solicitation) to a Performance Work Statement based … Case studies and qualitative comparative analyses share a common explanatory limitation with quantitative models—they are fundamentally heuristic rather than definitive. Policy & Value-Based Care. (2018). It focuses on three main aspects: alignment (with the larger strategic goals around innovation); people (the stakeholders, advocates, and general audience); and process (selecting, funding, and tracking ideas). Multiobjective evolutionary algorithms: a comparative case study and the strength Pareto approach Abstract: Evolutionary algorithms (EAs) are often well-suited for optimization problems involving several, often conflicting objectives. It analyzes the strategies, organizations, HR systems, and product innovations adopted by these two banks in response to the impact of FinTech. Strategies in comparative case studies include research on the basis of community, place, perspective, structure, … Comparative case studies can be used to answer questions about causal attribution and contribution when it is not feasible or desirable to create a comparison group or control group. Using a complexity-informed approach, we aim to understand why introduction of a mobile service delivery model for osteoporosis across diverse organisational and country contexts in the UK National Health Service (NHS) met with variable success.,Six comparative case studies; three prospectively in Scotland using an action research-informed approach; and three retrospectively in … Here, a comparative case study explores the key challenges, main drivers and constraints for offsite adoption and implementation. COMPARATIVE CASE STUDIES 2.1 Comparative Case Studies Case studies focus on particular occurrences of events or in-terventions of interest. ideas about what the comparative approach is in terms of a scientific undertaking. David Raths. A comparative case study of bipolar organizations is used to identify crucial implementation factors and create an innovation adoption model. Developed in response to the inadequacy of traditional case study approaches, comparative case studies are highly effective because of their ability to synthesize information across time and space. Jan 14th, 2021. Inter-American Development Bank June 2015 Comparative Case Studies of Three IDB-supported Urban Transport Projects COMPARATIVE CASE STUDIES OF THREE IDB-SUPPORTED URBAN TRANSPORT PROJECTS IDB OVE They are particularly useful for understanding and explaining how context influences the success of an intervention and how better to tailor the intervention to the specific context to achieve intended outcomes. A strategic approach for the adoption and diffusion of intranet technology is then presented. This comparative case study examined the development, design, and evolution of two student affairs fundraising programs, each led by a full-time development officer, at public research universities in the Southeastern region of the United States. These include the operationalization and measurement of qualitative variables (construct validity), the heuristic identi‹cation of new variables or hypotheses, the examination of potential causal mechanisms within particular cases or contexts, the historical explanation of cases, and the incorporation of complex relations like equality and path dependency into typological theories Case Study Nokia The Collaborative Innovation Canvas is a simple way to map out the key components of an innovation management platform. The study uses a mixed-methods approach for a comparative case study of six collaborative initiatives designed to facilitate the translation of research evidence into health-care policy and practice. Digital Health Innovation.
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